Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Desert Edition

Desert Wind

Running like the Wind

Moonrise behind us, with cliff shadows darkening part of the landscape


  1. So we can blame the desert for sending us all the wind we have had?

    Flying Shyla! Leaping Shyla!

    That last photo is beautiful.

  2. Love love love the desert. Great shot!

  3. Just gorgeous! We love Shyla's waving ear, too.

  4. Look how happy you are in that middle picture! Love to see the joy in your face.

  5. Your girl is also glad to leave the snow behind for a little bit! Bob and I are ready for a reprieve too, though the skiing has been great. Love the night sky.

  6. Shyla looks like a cross between a kangaroo and a rabbit! You go, girl!!

  7. Get those ear flaps ready for take-off!

  8. Love the photographs. Surprised there does not seem to be any sand being blown around by the wind.

  9. I bet the desert looks so wonderful after being buried in snow! How fun!

  10. We see such an incredibly happy girl☺

  11. I just want to reach out and ruffle Shyla's ears/head fur! Ava's ears do that too, which makes me think I ought to try to capture it too!

  12. I love your photos... your ear in the wind looks cool! ...the last photo reminds me of a fairytale... it's just wonderful!

  13. Desert gives you a little change of pace. It looks like some buddy is having fun
    Lily & Edward

  14. Shyla had it in 5th gear! Love the sky shot!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. The running picture. That is the best!! Shyla looks like she is so happy!!

  16. I love looking at those big ole cats you have in your pictures. Wienie

  17. Awesome post! You should check out my blog, www.pawprovince.com! My name is Robin Whiskers and I am a 13 year old pet blogger. Every time someone joins my blog, I'll donate $3 to the D.R.E.A.M. Dachshund Rescue located in north Georgia! So please check out my blog, maybe join, and invite your friends to join, too!

  18. Catching up on pics from your desert vaca. Gorgeous! (Do I use the same adjective every time I comment?? I'll try to mix it up. Gonna get my thesaurus out next time!)

  19. That last one looks like another planet!


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