Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Desert Sky Sunday

I love the wide view of the sky in the desert both during the day and at night. Our home is in the forest, and we can't see a wide expanse of sky without walking to an unforested viewpoint. I loved waking up in the morning while we camped and seeing views like this one.

I also love being able to take photos of the dogs without a lot of clutter of trees and boulders in the background. It lets all the focus be on their running grace!

Nighttime in the desert is incredibly special to me. I was slightly disappointed by the full moon, which obscured a lot of stars but it turned out that I enjoyed seeing the glow of the desert landscape under a full moon.

I made a very short time lapse series of photos as the moon rose and the stars spun around Polaris. If you have trouble viewing it here, you can watch it at Youtube.

In case you don't want to watch the short video, here was the final photo. It doesn't let you appreciate the moonrise like the video does but I still like it.
Happy Sky Sunday!


  1. Beautiful photos!!! We had a gloriously sunny day here today - beautiful blue skies, along with a ton of strong wind.

    Hope you all enjoyed the weekend and have a good week coming up.

  2. Love the photographs. We also cannot see great expanses of sky. That's one of the reasons I love the beach so much.

  3. Such a gorgeous video!! I love your desert star trail captures!

  4. Wonderful clippings of grace. It is good to go for walking in the morning...

  5. Beautiful, beautiful photos. To see so much expanse of sky is always special.Shyla and R look wonderful against all the blue.

  6. Oh you know how much we love to see these magical skys that you share with us! Desert photos,, and Shyla and R-- so beautiful!

  7. The sky is so beautiful there! I love your star photos!

  8. Beauty night skies, you do live in a truly magical place.

  9. We totally love seeing such happy dogs!

  10. To me, seeing the stars while watching the moon illuminate the terrain is even more amazing than your usual star photos. Just incredible!

  11. wonderful photos.... I love it to see the world through your cam!

  12. So nice. We did a day trip yesterday to our old stomping grounds in the desert. It was so nice and peaceful.

  13. Fantastic KB! If I asked you how you did this and the procedure? Would that be asking too much!?! Many thanks for sharing your desert and mountain world to a shoreline entrenched guy!

    Cheers to all of you!

  14. Love the time lapse! We are enjoying seeing blue skies. They've been hiding a lot lately!

    Murphy & Stanley


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