Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Black Dog's Recovery from CUE Surgery (Weeks 4-6)

Today's post will be devoted to an update on R's recovery from CUE surgery on April 15. I'll tell you about our desert trip in future posts.

To remind you, this surgery was to put artificial weight-bearing surfaces into R's elbow that has congenital dysplasia. R's recovery has not been a straight line from point A to point B. As you'll see in the video, he became quite reluctant to walk very much in Week 4. His gait was slow, and he didn't look happy. It was a hard phase for us because we were scared that something had gone wrong. We still insisted that he walk the 5X per day prescribed by our vet but we let him walk as slowly as he wanted to.

Thankfully, he started to bounce back around Week 5, with his gait looking smoother and perkier. By the time we arrived home from our trip at about the 6 week mark post-surgery, we discovered that he was naturally walking twice as fast as in Week 3. Walking the length of our driveway used to take 10 minutes and now it takes 5 minutes!

For rehab, R (and us) spent Weeks 3-5 taking 5 walks per day, each about 10 minutes in length. Now, he's allowed to do 4 leash walks of 15 minutes each on the fairly smooth trails near our house. Progress! And, he's thrilled to go on his walks. We have to hold him back so he doesn't break into a trot. That makes me smile!!!

Throughout our desert trip and now at home, rehab exercises are a big part of our day. He does 3-5 bouts per day of strengthening and range of motion exercises. His elbow range of motion has doubled since Week 3!

For both strengthening and range of motion, you'll see in the video that he does a lot of targeting of a pointer held higher than his shoulder with each paw. It's actually a harder exercise when he raises his normal leg (R) because his surgical elbow has to support his whole weight. We're working on it, as you'll see in the video.

He also does exercises on a squishy disk that forces the small muscles around his recovering elbow to stabilize it. Exercises on the disk are definitely his favorite ones even though they are difficult. Throughout every session, he continually puts his paws on the disk, asking if it's time for those exercises yet!

The vet says that his elbow is already less swollen than it was before surgery just due to the dysplasia. Things are looking good! You can watch our update video either here or at Youtube.

He has one more rehab "exercise". He needs to hold something with his front paws to aid in rebuilding the muscles around his left elbow. We're finding that he's reluctant to use his left paw in this way. He even refused to chew an antler! Finally, we found a bone that he's starting to hold a bit with his left paw. Aside from having to hold the bone, this is his favorite part of his rehab!

The acute recovery phase is now on the fast track, I think. I hope that he'll be out running in our mountains with Shyla before the end of the summer!
Happy Saturday to all of you!


  1. What a remarkable improvement!!! Hard work on the part of R and YOU - it can't be easy doing all those exercises. We are so happy to see R doing so well. Keep up the good work, both of you:)

  2. R is doing great!!

  3. What a food monstah! I love watching him. Especially when he wants that treat! It's always hard first few weeks post surgery because it looks so painful. But time and lots of rest and right activity. Loki's already on almost his entire walk. I still keep him leashed as he's not allowed to really just "bolt" and do fancy jumps or movements. But walking is fine as long as he isn't in pain at night and he's not at all. He still has a bit of a limp but not all the time. I can tell he needs to build up muscle and that will go a long way to helping. I think R's doing awesome! He has the best PT people on the planet!

  4. Amazing improvement! What a lucky dog to have owners so dedicated to helping him with his exercises and therapy. I'm certain that has made all the difference in his results. Kudos all around. Not easy for any of you, certainly not for R. What a guy.

  5. Fantastic!!! He'll be romping and rolling in your mountains soon. Thank you for sharing his progress.

  6. You are coming along beautifully, R☺ Enjoy that bone, buddy - you earned it!

  7. There really is A LOT of improvement! I am also so impressed with the human willpower in keep the progress slow and steady. It's not easy holding back a dog's activity even when we know it is the right thing for healing. And finally, love that big wall of windows in your house :-)

  8. Hari Om
    The difference from wk 5 to wk 6 is so very marked - it is just wonderfurs!!! Will continue with POTP for you R... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. that are such good news! I'm so glad there was such a huge difference between week 5& 6, I hope so much that the good news continue!

  10. He is a very lucky boy to have you to guide him through his recovery. All paws crossed that it will be the best summer ever for R!

  11. That's a terrific update and we're so glad that R is on track and improving daily.

  12. That's great. You guys are doing an awesome job for him.

  13. Wow - what a great recovery. SO glad to see him doing so well. Recovering from a hip procedure myself - I understand the rehab is harder when the bad limp has to support you! Go R.

  14. this is amazing, i enjoyed that video and i got tears in my eyes, of joy I mean seeing him targeting to pointer. so happy he is doing so well and he looks wonderful, coat back, and walking well. so very happy for all of you

  15. Thanks for letting us watch R's recovery.

  16. You can really tell the difference in how much R is doing better. You are working so hard and it is paying off nicely.

  17. What welcome news! SO happy for R and for all of you. Rehab is hard work and you and the Runner deserve a pat on the back for being so diligent and consistent with it. You are the reason he's making such great progress!

  18. Seeing this bring smiles and tears for R and you. After all you went through to have the surgery, now it is all paying off. I can't wait to see him run again! So happy for you!

  19. I am so happy to see this. R looks so good and is improving a lot!! He will be out with Shyla soon!!

  20. Wow! Wow! Wow! He has progressed so well! Keep it up R!!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. R!! You're PAWSOME!! My mom sends love to you.. I send a high 5!!


  22. Crikey ..... so good to see!! Well done R!! Well done everyone!!!!!!

  23. What wonderful progress!! Thanks so much for sharing R's progress!!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

  24. R we are sooo proud of you! Your doing soo good!
    Keep it up R,,, keep it up.

  25. Hugs effort and commitment from you both for this remarkable recovery, R must be so much happier , and I hope Hugh's physio for a torn hamstring goes equally as well!! Slow as a tortoise down here at the moment.

  26. I loved reading about R's recovery. This will be so helpful to other people who go through this surgery with their dog-so great that you are documenting this! Thinking of R running pain free again by end of summer makes my heart glow! He has such wonderful and joyful energy-I can't imagine him not running and romping! Sending my sweet buddy lots of love <3


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