Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 30, 2016

Desert Beauty

On this Memorial Day, I am sifting through our photos from the desert, feeling so thankful for those who fought to keep our country safe. Today's peace and beauty is thanks to them.

It sometimes seems simply unbelievable to me that we have such abundant public lands where we can camp, hike, and ride bikes in solitude. Most of all, we can enjoy the gorgeous world around us.

We didn't arrive at our first campsite for our desert trip until after midnight. The moon, at about half full, was just setting into some low clouds on the western horizon. Despite the late hour, I pulled out my camera to try to capture the beauty.

After the moonlight had totally disappeared, the Milky Way glowed. Here was one end of it.

And here was the other end of it. I need to get a super-duper wide angle lens (like 8mm) so that I can shoot wide panoramas that can show the whole Milky Way in one frame. I guess that I could also learn to stitch together multiple frames but I don't have much patience for futzing with photos on my computer.

Needless to say, I was already grinning when I finally climbed into bed, despite how tired we all were after the long drive. We slept in the next morning, loving that wonderful feeling of multiple weeks of vacation ahead of us. As soon as we went outside in the morning, we knew it was going to be a special visit. More desert flowers were blooming than any other time I can remember. Endless cacti sported brilliant flowers.
Many other flowers were blooming too but I'll save them for a future post.

The sun was shining but it wasn't hot. Shyla and I had a blast playing in the desert rocks.

And we all watched the sun set at the end of the day in almost the same spot as where the moon had set the previous night.
Mother Earth is more beautiful than I ever imagined when I was growing up in a more urban setting. I'm glad that we found our way westward, landing in such an incredible part of the country that suits us so perfectly.


  1. The delight you get from your trip to the desert is so easy to feel through your words:) It truly IS a beautiful place.

  2. What beautiful pictures. Your star pictures are stunning.

  3. I always love seeing the beauty of the desert through your lens!! Such wonderful captures!!

  4. Wonderful photographs of the desert skies. So glad you had the added beauty of the desert in bloom. What a treat.

  5. it's great to see so much beautiful things... and what a nice idea to share all that wonderful things via your blog :o) thank you!

  6. Such beautiful pictures! The desert sky is just fabulous!

  7. We do live in a beautiful world. And aren't you thrilled that you can capture, and share that beauty. The wild flowers have been so numerous everywhere we have gone this year.

  8. diamonds in the sky
    Lily & Edward

  9. Beautiful photos. Mom loves the night sky sometimes she will drive out in the pasture and we will lay in the bed of the truck and stargaze.

    Aroo to you,

  10. You are indeed surrounded by so much beauty! Those stars always amaze us!

  11. truly beautiful!
    Mr bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. Wow,, wow wow!! A million WOWS!
    These photos are spectacular!


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