Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 13, 2016

Flowery Friday

We don't have as many flowers as most of you yet but we have a few hardy ones that can handle occasional snow and freezing temperatures.

Believe it or not, one of our earliest bloomers is a cactus! It has gorgeous pink and yellow flowers. Usually, I find one cactus every here or there but a friend showed me a veritable cactus garden on a hillside!

On a sunny and warm day, all the flowers were wide open.

One common characteristic of all our early flowers is that they can close their flowers up tight when it gets too cold. I took this photo last week, and I haven't seen the flowers open in the morning again since then.

These are such showy flowers. Wow!

Believe it or not, these cacti are on the hillside where Shyla is running in this photo.
We both have avoided stepping on or riding over any cacti for many years, thank goodness. When the cacti aren't blooming, they aren't easy to see!

Happy Flower Friday!


  1. Most of our flowers have died off by now. I remember last year someone with a fancy camera was in the desert and asked me where all the desert blooms were and I told him he was about a month too late! It was already April. :)

  2. Macro shots, these are so amazing and the petals are like organza fabric. No wonder you love living up there.

  3. Such gorgeous blooms and a treat to be able to find open.

  4. Such a pretty color those cacti have!!! Ouchie If you step on one!

  5. Love the intense color of these cactus flowers!

  6. Bet those flowers give you some hopes of spring
    Lily & Edward

  7. We make it a POINT not to step on them too! Beautiful flowers though!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Those are darn beautiful! Hope R is mending on schedule!!

  9. The cacti flower is such a beautiful shade of pink!! Seeing Shyla running with her wubba always makes me smile!

  10. it's great to see them with flowers... we wait for 16 years to get one cactus flower but they still are green and prickly :o)

  11. Beautiful!! But so unapproachable!! Just like some people I've met in my lifetime. *haha* Love your pictures, as always, KB!!


  12. Cactus and the Rockies don't go together in my head, but I guess they really do! So beautiful!

  13. How crazy that you have cactus so high up. That pink is stunning.

  14. Gorgeous flowers!
    Shyla is beautiful and looks so happy!

  15. Such beautiful flowers. I love when the flowers and leaves come back after winter!!


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