Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 6, 2016

Pupdate on R - 3 weeks post-CUE surgery

When we were trying to decide about R's elbow surgery (CUE - "canine unicompartmental elbow"), I found that there was almost no information easily available on the web about the recovery from the surgery. Consequently, I thought I'd chronicle R's recovery both so that the Runner and I can more easily see his progress and for others who are considering CUE surgery.

It's been 3 weeks since he had the surgery on 4/15. For the first two weeks, he had a very stiff bandage that went from his shoulder down to his toes.
He was not allowed to be loose at all in the house. We kept him tethered or in a crate. Also, he couldn't be on slippery floors. We have hardwood floors so he wore dog boots with Vibram soles for walking indoors. He could go for very short potty walks, and he did not use his "bad" leg for walking. He hopped along on three legs. We kept a Ruffwear Webmaster harness on him all the time so we could help him using the handle between his shoulders.

At the 2 week mark, he got the bandage off, and some rehab could begin. He almost immediately started using his surgical leg albeit with a huge limp. He still cannot be loose in the house. He must constantly be tethered or in a crate.

At the 2 week mark, we started taking him for 5 walks of 5-10 minutes each per day. They had to be on smooth ground and very slow. R sure was happy to be outside a bit more!

We also started passive range of motion exercises, where we gently flexed and extended his elbow 10-20 times for 5 sessions per day. Last, we did some strengthening for his left leg by rocking his body gently toward his surgical leg so it bore more weight. After his walk/stretch/strengthening exercises, we iced his elbow. His range of motion improved hugely over the third week. However, his elbow still looks very swollen.

He's still on lots of meds - pain meds, sedatives, and nerve pain meds. He can't take anti-inflammatories because his liver enzymes have been elevated recently.

I am not sure how much his gait improved. That's part of why I recorded video of him walking. We can look back at it in future weeks to see how his gait is changing. Here's a short video about his progress and showing his gait. You can watch it here or at Youtube.

Today, he's spending the day with our vet having ultrasound, acupuncture, and other PT things done. We'll be given our rehab instructions for the coming week, hoping that he keeps improving!

Happy Friday!


  1. What a wonderful way to track his progress and let others see just what the surgery results can be.

    Love R's deep dark eyes!!

  2. Poor guy - but so good to see him up and about. Keep going R!

  3. Really good idea to document. Keep up the good work, Team R!

  4. i think it is amazing he is walking like that. poor guy, i know he is tired of being tetered/crated... so glad he is doing this well. prayers for quick recovery

  5. I think he looks pretty good considering what he has been through. So glad to see him outdoors for little walks. I'll be interested in hearing what the vet thinks about his recovery. I'll bet it's good news.

  6. Hari OM
    'R' is doing grand methinks! I walk pretty much like that... &*> Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. He is looking good. He has perseverance just like his human:) Our daughter's lab Gypsy (13) has vestibular disease and had a bad attack overnight. She is trying so hard to fight it, but it is hard to watch her struggle. And just to let you know, we had another round of the S monster here overnight:(

  8. That is great news. I know you are taking wonderful care of R

  9. He looks so sad walking, but hopefully he is on the mend. Really smart to document it all, because it could be easy to miss small changes.

  10. Maybe it's just me, but he seemed to improve just a little bit in that video, like he was not so stiff at the end. He'll be flying through the air again in a couple of months. This is a lot for you and The Runner to manage!

  11. I am very impressed! You are lookin' good R! I agree with Otto, you look a little better towards the end of the video. I'm sendin' tons of POTP for you!! Just thinks, with your peeps help, you will be runnin' in the snow next season!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Poor R! Recovering is not fun! I hope he feels better soon!

  13. Walking sure isn't easy but you're doing a mighty fine job R!

  14. Great way to track his progress! Glad he's improving.

  15. We're so glad to hear R is doing well! You'll be running in the snow in no time, buddy!

  16. I agree with Rottrover, improvement showing clearly. And as you and Hugh know, ( and for me too) surgery recovery can be a long slow process. Guess your days are very busy with the rehab schedule, slow walks, on a lead, and also taking Shyla out for her " Snow Fix"!!

  17. That's so similar to how Macy Blue has walked for two years.... I can't get any other diagnosis other than "arthritis!"

    Hope R mends super fast!

  18. Good thinking KB,,, to mark everything down so you can look back.
    Each day R will get stronger

  19. Great idea to video R's progress. And it could be very helpful for others considering this surgery
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. Great idea to document the recovery, especially the video. Best wishes to you all!

  21. Along with everyone else, we think it's a good idea to keep a video record. Good to see R out and about even if it's just for a few minutes. Keep improving boy!

  22. I hope for good news and that your vet is satisfied with the progress of R's elbow... hugs to you and potp that the pains go away and that the pt helps to be back on 100% black lab soon :o)

  23. We are sending you lots more healing vibes, R. You are looking great, buddy!

  24. Crikey ... I agree with rottrover. Even though the video was short I thought R's got better at the end. He'll be off and running before we know it. Well done to you for taking such good care of him.

  25. This sounds awfully familiar in regards to my surgeries. Glad you are coming along R
    Lily & Edward

  26. He's coming along nicely BUTT it sure will be nice to get on the other side of this recovery!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  27. Sending R hugs and kisses and good vibes and prayers!! All the good stuff!! He looks like he is doing really good. It is nice that the weather is nice and you all can get out in the fresh air!!

  28. This is some recovery process! It seems that you're all incredibly patient, which must be a plus. Here's to R's full recovery!


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