Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Bear Den Bonanza

I ventured to the bear den today for the first time since early March. I am SO glad that I waited. The family didn't depart until 11 days ago. Here's just a small sample of the 150 GB of footage that I captured. I have lots of video but it will take time to sort through it!
Family portrait

Mom "talks to" the mischievous one while other looks on

Now you listen to me youngster (black cub is upside down)!

The most awkward nursing position I've ever seen!


The Cub Duo - with the same colors as our Labraduo!


  1. Oh MY!!! Those dancing baby bears are the cutest thing ever!!!

  2. Oh my goodness, how precious!!! We have been so excited to see these first pics. We just love those dancing bears. Now you need to give them some names, with an S and an R:)

  3. When I see photographs like these of the loving and mothering I wonder how on earth anyone could hunt and kill these marvelous creatures in the name of "sport." Yes, I understand bear hunting in the Arctic where they need the food and utilize every aspect of the animal. And they respect and thank the animal for giving its life for their nourishment.

    But here in NC, black bears can be killed as small as 50 pounds. That's typically a year-old cub. And as you know, those cubs are still remaining with their mother at one year. I call it murder, not sport. No one here needs bear meat to carry their families through the winter.

    I much prefer that bear hunting not be allowed at all here, especially the cruel method of running them to exhaustion with dogs. But since that will never happen here, I wish hunters would be required to watch videos of the interaction between the mother and her cubs before they are allowed to get a license to kill any of them.

    Thank you for the sweet photographs we might otherwise not have seen.

  4. OH MY GOODNESS that is so cool!!!!

  5. Love the photos....sooo cute.

  6. These photos are so precious!
    Thank you KB for sharing!

  7. I would not know about this unless you shared, beautiful, heart-warming, family love, all rolled into 3 furry beauties.

  8. the mischievous one could be my bear-twin... we have a lot in common :o)

  9. Love the cubs dancing together. They are so cute☺

  10. awesome shots once again... i just love love love the dancing cubs... fantastic look at their lives

  11. Ack....they are so cute! I can't wait to see more.

  12. Love the pictures! So wonderful!

  13. OMD, how adorable! Bear Duo dancing!

  14. Woo Hoo! I can't wait to see more of the mom and cubs.

  15. Oh my dawg!! So cute we can't take it
    Lily & Edward

  16. These are wonderful shots!!!!!
    thank you so much for sharing
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. Awe!! The cubs are so cute! I can't wait to see more of your photos!

  18. That was a bonanza! What great photos. Loved all of them. So wonderful to be able to spy on the little family.

    We know lots of Labradors named 'Bear'....now we know why.

  19. That dancing duo pic is over the top cute!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. The footage you capture is amazing. Beautiful, and sweet.

  21. Love, love, love these! One of my clients lives about 2 hours away from me. I was speaking to her last week. She had quite a fright when she was watering her flowers and out of the bush was a black bear. She and the bear were both equally scared ran in opposite directions!

  22. Fabulous images! Thanks so much for sharing them.
    On the awkward nursing position, I cannot resist offering one from my gang. Hope it's okay to link here (I'm never quite sure of the etiquette in these matters):
    You'll have to scroll down but I promise it's worth it ;)

  23. The babies are adorable! I love the pictures of mom with them, too!


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