Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Desert Storms and Sunsets

The night before we left our first desert campsite to move to our second one, furious storms were near our second campsite. It turned out that I captured a few decent lightning photos during those storms.

Consequently, it was not surprising that every pothole and creek near our second campsite was filled with water.

Clouds still lingered when we first arrived.

But the west horizon cleared out in time to let me enjoy the sunset light on Shyla's fur.

And the sky still lit up beautifully after sunset. (Do you see the Labmobile in the dusky darkness?).
Desert sunsets are glorious!


  1. Wow. Gorgeous photos. Love the sunset, and the one with the puddles. Looks like you had a great trip!

  2. We love each and every photo! Just gorgeous!

  3. You have your own little watering holes. Glad all that crazy weather cleared for you
    Lily & Edward

  4. the Lightning photos are beautiful
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. Your photos are soooo shockingly good!!! Those lightening strikes,, and the clouds and sky.. and cliffs!

  6. Those lightening shots are amazing!

  7. WOW! Those storm pics are fangtastic.


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