Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Bear Family Happy Update

I've had our wildlife on my mind. They are the innocent victims of negligent behavior by people that leads to their home being burned to cinders. In this case, two campers have been arrested and charged with felony arson. They illegally camped on private property and didn't extinguish their campfire.

On Saturday, the day before we were evacuated, I checked a trail camera that showed the mother bear and both of her cubs, looking healthy and spunky. The little black cub was the troublemaker again, as she stopped to mess with my trail camera before following her mom and the other cub into the forest.

Quite honestly, I'd been worried about them. Every sow that my trail cams took footage of had only one cub in view. I feared that one of the cubs from the den was no longer alive.

I let out a small whoop when I saw the footage of mom and both cubs!

Of course, that was just as the fire was starting, and I wasn't aware of it yet. Now, I fear for their safety. Apparently, bears tend to climb trees rather than flee in forest fires. Please send our wildlife some of your POTP - we humans can flee but not all wildlife can.

You can watch this video here or at Youtube.

I prepared this post on Monday while I was briefly at a coffee shop with internet. I'm not sure when I'll be posting again.


  1. Hari OM
    Pesky people playing at picnics... POTP on the go!!! YAM xx

  2. GRRRRR....we had heard on the news it was started by irresponsible people. We were also thinking of all the wildlife and praying they made it to safety. stella rose and momma

  3. Definitely hoping they are all safe and sound!

    Keeping paws crossed!

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  4. We hope the bears are all okay. We're glad you are and just read on FB you have returned home.

  5. Glad they could find the careless campers. We have our paws and fingers crossed for the Bear family...and all the woodland creatures.

  6. Good film; hoping you will find them well and safe upon your return. And that other area wildlife has not been badly harmed ... also hoping you'll be home soon ...

  7. We sure hope this little family makes it!

  8. Sending our wishes to all the wildlife.
    The black cub looks so tiny still!

  9. Oh no! It looks from the other comments that you have returned home! We hope all is well in your area and those careless folks will pay their due. Also hoping the bear family and other precious wildlife are safe!

  10. More fun for the bear cubs. HOpe they survived the fire unscathed. So good to hear you are back home - hope all was in good shape upon your arrival.

  11. We had a huge fire start here too for the same reason. They got prison time there was so much damage. Those bears are adorable
    Lily & Edward

  12. We are sooooo glad to hear the people responsible are being prosecuted!! Glad you are home safe and sound and are sending POTP for the wildlife in the area!

  13. We have our paws crossed for you and all the wildlife in your area.

  14. We continue to send our very best POTP for everyone and everything to remain safe. I'm grateful that YOU have been able to go home, and I hope you're able to get your rest, as we are all letting out a collective sigh of relief!

  15. Fab video! I have been praying for the bear family as well as for you all. I hope they had the good sense to flee. It's awful that there has been so much damage and upheaval just from one fire. I am glad that the careless campers have been put in prison. Fingers crossed you can return home soon and that you can find out if the bear family are still around. Hugs xxx

  16. Fingers and paws are crossed that they're all safe!

  17. I have been praying daily for that mama and her cubs, it was the first thing i thought of when i saw your first post about the fire. prayers for all the wild life and for you and yours

  18. Hello, cute bears and video. I hope all the wildlife survives the fire. Prayers for you and all the critters.

  19. What a wonderful video! Hoping the family made it through the fire without injury.

  20. Pawscrossed!

    Aroo to you,

  21. Thinking of all the wild life too, and hope your return was not just a " Quick visit to get more essentials" and then leave again. And let that wee cub have savvy enough to be with his Mum to flee to safety.

  22. I hope the bear family is OK. I am glad some one was held accountable for this situation.

  23. And still sending POTP for all the wildlife!


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