Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 1, 2016

Fun and Games by the Bear Cubs in April!

Remember the bear den, where a sow spent the winter and gave birth to two cubs? I finally found some time to peruse more of the footage. After the huge snowstorm around April 17 that kept them inside the den for four days, the cubs were ready to play!

However, mom wasn't ready to stop supervising.

Learn to climb is one of the most important things that cubs must learn before they can leave the den. This little guy was trying to make it up onto the fallen tree that his mom was standing on but he was having trouble. He looks like a little monkey!

The video is full of fun footage of the two cubs playing and of mom occasionally grabbing them by the scruff of the neck to pull them back into the den. The footage is all from 4/24. I think that the sow was nervous because it was exceptionally windy, which limited her ability to hear predators approaching.

Enjoy the video, either here or at Youtube!

Have a happy and safe weekend.


  1. I'm exhausted just watching this poor momma and to think she hasn't eaten anything all winter. She deserves a medal!

  2. What a delightful sight. Fun and games until Mom decides it's enough.

  3. What wonderful footage!! The cub cries are adorable!!

  4. The way she sweeps them in! :)

  5. What fun to watch them! The cubs are just adorable!

  6. They are so amazing and Momma knows best!

  7. That is too cute. I can't help but think how rambunctious those two were cooped up for 4 days during the storm. Poor mama bear.

  8. Wow, that was an incredibly windy day for sure!!! We are always impressed with how gentle Mama Bear is with her cubs. And by the way, Lightning was quite intrigues by all that squealing:)

  9. Aw, that is just so beautiful!!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. They're romping and rolling in the Rockies! So cute!! Love how the momma looks out for them.

  11. The little black one seems like the trouble maker. I could watch them for hours. It is so amazing to see them in the wild.

  12. Playing roly-poly, and Mum has her work all day, pulling them in, I wonder how long they do stay in the den? These videos are amazing, and I can only guess at the excitement as you upload each one and see it for the first time.

  13. OMD!!! Too frickin' ADORABLES!!!! I could watch them all day! Thanks for letting us watch!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Love seeing them all fat and enjoying life. A great way for me to enjoy my morning coffee. Thanks.

  15. Thanks for sharing this and allowing us to see what animals are really like in the wild. Love it!


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