Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day

I have the greatest appreciation for our country when I'm out in nature, enjoying the setting sun lighting up our Duo. I think that Shyla needed shades for that sunset!

R is back at work watching over his sister.

And surveying the mountain after the sun has set.

Last evening, he seemed convinced that some scary animal was in the forest near us. It could've been a moose. Shyla and I missed this one by about 2 minutes based on the trail cam info. He probably watched us go by.

It also could've been a bear. This is the same place as the moose was - quite close to home. I think this is Tiny, marking a tree to try to attract more sows. I'm betting that R smelled a bear based on his intense reaction.
Thanks to our country's preservation of wild land, these two huge mammals can flourish in our midst. I am so thankful for that!

Happy Independence Day to all of my blog friends!


  1. Happy Independence Day, KB! So good to see both pups together outdoors again :)
    I thought of you today when Piper and I were exploring an area we'd never visited before. It was off the beaten track, and had a lot of highbush blueberries. I made a mental note that in another week or two it will NOT be a good place for Piper and I to be wandering, as we are not invited to the bears' picnics!

  2. So good to see R looking so strong. Happy 4th to you all too.

  3. It is so nice to see the duo back together out in your beautiful world:)

    Happy Fourth of July!

  4. Happy 4th of july to you all and to the wonderful wildlife of your wonderful country too :o)

  5. The duo is back☺ Happy 4th, guys!

  6. Lol, I love that bear photo - he looks like you caught him doing his morning jazzercise!

  7. Yes, I am grateful for our wild and wide open spaces too.

  8. Beautiful! We hope you had a happy 4th!

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  9. Absolutely love the photo of you two together.

    Aroo to you,

  10. So wonderful to see the duo together again!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Beautiful pics! Hope you all had a safe and Happy Fourth!

  12. You're right there was a monster in the woods BOL
    Lily & Edward

  13. Beautiful ,,, beautiful photos.


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