Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thankful Thursday

While I am feeling incredibly grateful to be home with the fire almost contained, I still am not feeling well. That's why today's post is so late. I am so tired of these migraines plaguing me. They leave me weak, cranky, and feeling awful. However, despite all that, I still am grateful for having our world intact.

Our hummingbirds are still here, buzzing around our house.

Our flycatcher family, who has a nest under our deck, is within a day or two of having the youngsters fledge - after a total of about 30 days of incubating the eggs and tending to the nestlings. The day that the babies fly is always a joyful summer day. I was so afraid that they'd be harmed by fire as we evacuated. And now I'm so thankful that they're okay. This is one of the parents, talking to the other parent, just above the nest.

I am grateful that my garden of Columbines survived. Columbines are my favorite flowers, and among the only ones that I can keep alive in a garden. I'm glad that they didn't burn.

Our wildflowers didn't burn either. This is an extremely rare lily, called a "Wood Lily", that I've seen listed as being "threatened" around here. I found it shining like a beacon in an aspen grove today.

Shyla is leaping for joy to be back in her home romping grounds. Today, on our home trails, she had a BIG accomplishment when she confidently met a new dog nose-to-nose. I almost fell off my bike with surprise at her boldness.

And, her brother keeps getting better. He had a vet checkup today, and our vet thinks he's progressing amazingly well. I am grateful beyond words for that gift! In this photo, he is resting after I put him through another round of rehab. His exercises get harder and harder, and he goes straight to sleep after them with his sister snuggled against him.
So, despite my migraine woes, I can still feel grateful beyond words that we have a house, our pups, and our beautiful little slice of paradise to come home to.


  1. I'm so glad that you were able to come home and that the fire is almost out! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Maybe we could all learn from R, and teach ourselves to conk out instantly and get a good rest anytme we need it. Sure wish I could!

  3. And we are grateful too. We just wish we could banish that migraine monster for good.

    What a great pic of the Duo!!!

  4. OH! So glad you're home and that all is well. Botox? Immatrex? Sending rottie kisses...

  5. You are truly an example to follow. You feel so crummy, but yet you're still able to see the wonders around you and share them with all of us. Thank-you for that, and please take care, I so hope you're feeling better very soon!

  6. Such good news! I am so glad the wild ones in your area are ok, I always worry about the wildlife in a fire.

  7. We are grateful you have a home and everyone is safe.
    Way to go Shyla she has come so far it amazing, I know you are proud too.
    and R what a sweet boy he is.
    Be well.
    xo Astro and Linda

  8. Good luck with the migraines, but that's great about Shyla and R and you all being spared from the fire.

  9. I am so grateful too, and thankful that you were safe, the pups, runner, and at one stage I wondered if you did fit in your bike? Times like this, necessities are a must, then the maybes, and I truly do not know how I would manage. When we had the huge flood in 2004, we did get ready in case the stream came up to our house, cat cages all out, 2 vehicles out and facing the road, and personal necessities and medications in a bag. We didn't need to leave, but it was a good lesson. I think a migraine is a natural reaction to all that stress and having to flee, maybe your body says a rest is in order. Hugs and love.XXX

  10. You're home and ALMOST all is well?? How good is that?? I hope you get some relief from those migraines soon. Horrible things. That picture of R and Shyla snuggled together is so beautiful as are the bird photos.

  11. I'm so glad that your home is intact and your world is still the beautiful place we always enjoy in your photos...

  12. We are so happy that you're home and carrying on with life! Now to get rid of those nasty migraines...............

  13. You have a wonderful outlook on life! The photos are gorgeous!

  14. Those are terrific photos and we hope you feel better soon!

  15. We're so happy to hear you are home and life is getting back to normal. That is great news about R's recovery. Our paws are crossed that you can get some relief from your migraines.

  16. We are so happy that everything is good for you - we'll say a prayer that your migraine's go away.

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  17. The hummingbird is spectacular. Sending your head healing thoughts.

  18. There is so much to feel joyful for right now. If only that nasty migraine would vanish! Hoping it does very soon!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - Please send POTP to my fiance' Ruby. She is at ER. No other information available.

  19. And were thankful too.
    Amazing beautiful flowers!
    And beautiful Shyla and R


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