Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 5, 2016

Black Dog Joy

I think that you understand the joy it gives me to see R romping with his sister.

He's 4 months post-CUE surgery. He still limps sometimes. Like today - he dug a hole worthy of being a bear den when he was done! That was a bit too much for his elbow so now he's limping. I try not to let that affect my spirits too much.

Now we are off to the vet for a rehab appointment. R has become a true "circus dog" in the past couple of weeks with his rehab exercises. I'll share a video soon!
Happy Friday!


  1. Yay for R! I love his glossy black coat.

  2. Oh yea, that makes us most happy too, way to go handsome R!!!

  3. We're so happy to hear that R is still doing so well in his recovery. He owes is all to you.

  4. Dirt flying, lol
    You must be laughing at his craziness.
    So so happy he is doing better enough to
    enjoy summer. Happy Weekend Shyla, R & KB
    xo Astro

  5. Awesome to see them running together!!

  6. You must be so pleased that all your hard work and all of R's hard work has paid off handsomely. What a wonderful sight to see.

  7. R looks so very happy - bet he is thrilled to be running free again.

  8. He looks like the very definition of joyful!

  9. We couldn't be any happier for you, R! You've worked so hard for this, buddy!

  10. Crikey ... That first picture says it all, aye? So good to see. Your patience and hard work has paid off. R is so lucky to have you.

  11. Hari Om
    Hey R, we all tend to overdo things from time to time - best to try and remember not to - no matter how much fun!!! Lovely to see you running like this though... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  12. He looks pretty darn happy! I would expect some limping, it really hasn't been that long yet. I know I get stiff for a long timed after an injury has healed.

  13. Hurray for R! Love to see him so happy and running free.

  14. We bet his heart soars just as much as your does!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Love these pictures!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. I'm so glad that R is doing well! It's awesome to see him having a good time with Shyla again!

  17. What a joyful pup, that "R"! These pics are great!

  18. He sure doesn't look like a dog who is recovering still!

  19. We love that R is a circus dog. They are all special in their own way., And I think he might be a bear too.


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