Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Black Dog Sunday

I am going to be going light on internet time in the upcoming period. Don't worry if there's some quiet time on this blog! It'll be back!

For black dog Sunday, the leap...

The flight....

The landing...

And the two-ball retrieve, done with extra Lab flair. Labs don't settle for having the two balls side by side like those silly Goldens!
Happy Black Lab Sunday!


  1. love it love it love it!!!! especially the landing.. BOL on the 2 balls

  2. Very clever,love that splash. He is doing so well, all those many hours of rehab!!

  3. Have a nice rest!

    Please, Don't Go Out biking or hiking without human companions and safety measures.

  4. You would never know R had serious surgery just a few months ago. He looks awesome!
    We will miss you!

  5. Wow! Those photos are awesome! I am hoping I can get Phoenix to jump in soon! She's still kind of scared to do it!

  6. You look so happy, R! We love to see you swimming with 2 tennis balls☺

  7. R looks so happy to be back in the loop of fun.

  8. Hari OM
    What an acrobat you R!!! Blessings hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Wow, you captured the action fur sure!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Just look at you! You are so happy and beautiful!

  11. I nearly can hear the big splash of the landing :o) and to retrieve TWO balls is absolutely pawsome!!!

  12. So good to see him doing well. Enjoy your break.

  13. Lovely happy black dog! It's heartwarming to see R active again. Yes, that's exactly what our Lucy said when Ellie held two tennis balls side by side. She never could get it either so she even called Ellie a silly Golden too. Imagine Lucy calling any other dog silly.

  14. Are you in the Olympic diving event?
    Lily & Edward

  15. What superb photos! Your "black doggie" looks fantastic!


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