Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 26, 2016

Flower Friday

I adore high altitude Lupines, like we can find in Western Colorado. You can see them behind Shyla in this photo. I love their vibrant purple.

They go together beautifully with high altitude crimson Indian Paintbrush. Ah, what a sight!

At lower elevations like ours (8200'), the wildflowers have been hit hard by the drought. Only a few remain. Here are Fairy Trumpets - a flower that I love despite its tiny size. I always associate it with two angels in our family, Acadia and K, both of whom died on the same day... and it was in the midst of the time when this flower reaches its peak.

The other flowers near home that are making a valiant attempt to overcome the drought are Coneflowers. They bloom and almost instantly wilt. However, the butterflies still adore them!
I am trying to soak up the last days of wildflower season. It's so fleeting up here, and I love it so much.


  1. I love the shade of that purple in the first photo!

  2. We can see why those fairy trumpets would be so special to you. What a great butterfly shot!!!

  3. Lower elevations like 8200 feet. Hmmm . . . perspective!

    Happy National Dog Day!

    Your Pals at 5400 feet,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. The wildflowers are so pretty! love the indian paintbrush!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. Those butterflies are Acadia and K coming to visit you

  6. That Indian Paintbrush is stunning!
    We're also having a drought, with the seemingly impossible addition of tropical humidity. What a summer. I have never used my little A/C so much, but it would have been very tough to get by without it this year.
    One thing I'm noticing about the drought is that smaller-scale habitat variation is highlighted by the wildflowers - when they are blooming, and for how long. Some seem to have come and gone in the blink of an eye, then I'll be happily surprised to find more blooms in a slightly wetter or cooler location.

  7. You have such beautiful wild flowers to share with us.

  8. We just love all of your beautiful flowers!! Gorgeous wildflowers!

  9. I love lupines, they always take me back to my childhood :O)

  10. One of the most amazing things for me in our move to Washington has been the flowers. I've never seen so many, or so many colors!

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble


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