Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

News, a Gotcha Day, and the Start of our Mountain Trip

We've had a lot going on around here, between travel, R's health, and normal everyday stuff. I didn't want to worry anyone but we found a lump on R's good forelimb that had us worried. We found it while we were far away from home camping in the mountains. We had it checked by our vet yesterday, and it's benign! Phew.  After all he's been through, we didn't want another thing to slow him down.

As for R's rehab, our vet is thrilled with his progress. He's doing better than any other CUE patient that she's rehabbed in the past. We still are working hard with him - the great progress is a huge motivator to keep working.

As for that camping trip, we loaded up the LabMobile and wandered the Colorado mountains for a couple of weeks. This photo was from our first campsite, well above 11,000', where we luxuriously spent our first night eating gourmet pizza and snuggling in sleeping bags. There's nothing like knowing that we had weeks of alpine adventures ahead of us.

It's an area that I love because it's usually devoid of many other people so Shyla can run with me while I mountain bike. Aside from a few rare exceptions, Shyla has become a super reliable and fun mountain biking partner. It's much more fun to ride with her than by myself!

I feel lucky that we live at high elevation so it didn't bother either of us to ride up to the highest points in that area - well over 12,000'. I love the stark beauty of the world above treeline. Shyla does too - and she loves watching the marmots scampering around, like she's doing in this photo.

We climbed and climbed until we reached the end of the trail. I gazed at the mountains in the distance and wanted to explore them all! You can see the remains of an old mining cabin in the foreground. Can you imagine living there?

Here was the view through one of the doorways that was still standing. Pretty nice, I think!

After we checked out the cabin, we kept rolling. The land is so open above treeline that Shyla could run in the tundra parallel to me, leaping into small tarns and through boulder fields. I love watching her run - so graceful and powerful!

And the mountains are the perfect backdrop for Shyla whose name means "daughter of the mountains". We just had her 4th Gotcha Day. I cannot believe that she's been in our family for that long. We cannot imagine life without her showering us in kisses every day!
Thanks, Shyla, for all the love that you've given us!


  1. Shyla looks like she's smiling! :) Beautiful photos, as usual!


  2. Thank goodness "R"'s bump was nothing to worry about.
    OMD the mountains above the tree line isn't something the
    rest of will get a chance to see, So Thank you for always sharing your photos. I can't imagine all the stars spinning around up there must be spectacular.
    Happy Gotcha Day to Shyla.
    xo Astro

  3. Glad R is ok. That cabin is very cool. Momma loves when she finds things like that on her adventures. Love me some smilin' Shyla.

  4. What a wonderful trip. So great to have Shyla run free with you while you bike that beautiful area. Amazing that it's been four years. Happy Gotcha Day all around.

  5. What stunning views! Happy 4th Gotcha Day, Shyla! Where does the time go?! And we are so happy to hear that your lump is benign, R!

  6. Happy 4th Gotcha Day Shyla! Sounds like you had an incredible time! That's super high elevation - are the dogs ever bothered by it?

  7. Happy Gotcha Day!!! You are sure the daughter of the mountains. On one hand it would be great to live in this wooden house in the mountains... but I bet there are a lot of things what are different to our common life in the middle of civilization :O)

  8. We are very thankful to hear that R's lump was nothing serious. Whew!! Happy Gotcha Day to the ever beautiful Shyla. Four years... Where does the time go.

    We would love to live in that little, tiny cabin up high on that mountain. Mommy said it's so beautiful and Wow, that view! Just think of all the critters we could chase.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  9. Great photos of your mountain adventures. Shyla looks fit and happy! I hope for R's continued recovery. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  10. Happy Gotcha Day Shyla! You sure are a lucky dog to have landed in your family and we know your family is so happy you did. That last shot is just beautiful.

  11. We're so glad R's scare was just that, a scare, and nothing more.

    Happy Gotcha Day, Shyla! You look the very picture of happiness!

  12. So glad for the good news on R! Happy Gotcha Day, Shyla!! I don't know who was luckier that day -- you or your momma!

  13. Happy Gotcha Day friend!! What a beautiful hike.
    Lily & Edward

  14. Beautiful photos! I am happy to hear good news about that lump. Happy Gotcha Day beautiful Shyla!!!

  15. Gorgeous pictures! I'm glad you got to have such an enjoyable getaway.

  16. That looks like a great place to hang out. So glad R is doing well, and Happy Gotcha to Shyla.

  17. Benign....what a wonderful word.
    Happy Gotcha Day!

  18. Thank goodness the lump was nothing to worry about. What beautiful photos so high up! Happy Gotcha Day Shyla!!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  19. Thank goodness R's lump was nothing! That would have been so unfair for him to deal with something else!

  20. Love this KB. Was the mining cabin on the way to Leadville? We hiked in an area called Mayflower Gulch-it was so cool. So thankful that R's lump was benign.
    Have a great evening.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. We love you Shyla and R,,,,!
    Were glad the lump was nothing to worry about on R



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