Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

A season of change

The feeling of summer ending and autumn starting is palpable at our elevation. Most days start and end chilly, and I can see the change in the light as the sun arcs lower across the sky each day.

We have traditions for each part of the year. In August and September, we try to get the Duo out swimming as much as we can knowing that it will be too cold for this fun frolicking very soon.

Nothing rivals the intensity of a Lab about to snarf a tennis ball from the water.
Happy Labor Day weekend to my friends here in the US. And Happy Autumn or Spring depending on your hemisphere. Regardless of where you live on the globe, it is a season of change.


  1. Happy Labor Day and Happy Lab Day to you all!

  2. Happy Lab Day - we like that, Brian:)

    Enjoy the long weekend. Hope you all find some fun things to do.

  3. Have a wonderful weekend. To you and the runner, to Shyla and to R. Enjoy these waning days of summer.

  4. That change of season feeling is here too. However the weatherman was saying high temps for next week, so it's not going to last.

    But I love your traditions for your end of season! What fun pictures, and what a fun outing too!

  5. What great photos of you, Shyla! Have a wonderful holiday weekend☺

  6. I am SO ready for the season to change! We had a miserably hot July and August which kept the dogs indoor more than winter ever could!

    My corgis could definitely rival Shyla's tennis ball intensity! Just pick up a stick at water's edge and LOOK OUT!

  7. Here's an old post to see the enthusiasm:


    (a much younger Wilson, for sure!)

  8. Your posts bring such joy to me .....Thank you for sharing <3

  9. We have been trying to enjoy the outdoors as much as we can as autumn sneaks up!

  10. Happy Labor Day weekend to you too, KB. The signs of autumn are all around us too, here in Indiana. For what we can't see, of autumn, we can simply "feel". The change is in the air... as predictably as I remember it being for the last 60 years! :-)


  11. Springtime, definitely down here, last night, NO fire lit inside, so much warmer. This morning cool and drizzly, so lit once more. Love the doggies as they enjoy that water, I am sure it's cold all year round, just a tad warmer up there in summertime. One of our North Island lakes is at 600m or approx., 2000 feet above seal level, and 256metres deep ( 840 feet) and is COLD all year, even in the middle of summer.

  12. Hi KB, Happy Labor Day to you as well. We can feel the season changing down here as well-our mornings are often foggy and cool and the evenings have definitely cooled off. We are getting cool breezes that feel so nice. Sending you and the pack hugs today.

  13. Love that photo of Shyla going after the ball! Love her jumping into the water!

  14. I dont think blogger captured our comment!
    We love the photo of Shyla and the ball. and her leaping into the water


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