Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Black Dog Sunday - See How He RUNS!

Today is a special Black Dog Sunday. The reason is that I am feeling so happy with how strong R has become over the past months. We are still doing lots of exercises to strengthen the muscles around his surgical elbow. The exercises are getting progressively more circus-like because the main thing that he needs to master now is using all the little muscles around his elbow to keep it stable. I'll make another video of his progress and exercises sometime soon.

The biggest thing is that he's not limping very much. Here's an example of how he played with Shyla during our recent vacation.

Shyla was chasing R, trying to get the ball. R could make tight enough turns to keep Shyla just behind him despite the fact that she's a faster runner.

Ah, how I love seeing this sight. After spending the first 4 months of this year trying to get his CUE (elbow) surgery set up and then every month after that doing 30-60 minutes of exercises with him per day, I simply grin when I seem him run so happily. It's all been worth it. And, he didn't even limp after this sprinting and chasing session!
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. This is wonderful to see. The comeback player of the year

  2. OMD, those are the bestest pics EVER!!!! You are a Rock Star dude!
    Ruby ♥♥

  3. Hari OM
    ...and I just realised how you've been missed, R... we, your viewers, love that you are back on the run!!! (Thanks to all the Love'n'care from our wonderfurs peeps). Hugs and wags, YAM=aunty xxx

  4. Oh, that makes us smile too!! R has done so wonderfully!

  5. Will the exercise regime begin to slow a little now, and you can have some R&R for yourself? It has surely been a huge success, and you can be so proud of the time you gave to it all/

  6. your photos need only one word: happiness :o) great to read such good news!

  7. Yay, R! We are smiling BIGTIME here☺

  8. Happy Crazy Love that Black Dog R.
    He is a Super Dog.

    Astro & Linda

  9. What joy! what a beautiful way to see your hard work pay off.

  10. Oh yes, that is quite the happy sight to see, go R go!!!

  11. All your hard work has payed off so well. Good job!

  12. It's so wonderful to see R running along side his sister. You sure have worked hard to have him in such great shape.

  13. Love seeing them running so happy and free!

  14. So nice to have that in the rear view mirror! You did a wonderful job for your boy!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Look at them go! That's so awesome that R is doing well! Yay!

  16. It has been a very long route for you and R to get to this point, but how wonderful it must be to see the fruits of all your hard work!!!

  17. What an achievement, and such a long time coming :) Congratulations, KB and R!


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