Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Funny

We are happy here in the Rockies today. Shyla didn't have any seizures last night, and it was a glorious autumn day that we enjoyed immensely. She's up to a higher dose of anti-seizure medicine but seems as energetic as ever, sprinting with huge enthusiasm through golden aspen groves.

I captured a couple of funny photos from our outing this morning. First, I told Shyla that I was going to toss her a treat. Look at those eyes!
Really? You're going to toss me a treat?

Then the snarf made me laugh out loud.
And thank you so much for all the support. I'm sure that our story will oscillate up and down until we figure out the seizure issue, and your words always lift my spirits.

Happy Friday!!!!


  1. That picture of the snarf made me laugh out loud, too! Great shot :)
    I'm glad you won't have to wait very long to see the neurologist, and I hope you get some good information and good news. Meanwhile, I know you will be following Shyla's lead and seizing the day with enthusiasm!

  2. Smiles and belly laughs are good for the soul. Sending strength and love...and confidence.

  3. Smiles and belly laughs are good for the soul. Sending strength and love...and confidence.

  4. Let those good nights continue. Shyla makes me smile with her serious concentration. All Ok down here, I am well, will email.Hugs from a wet NZ at our place.

  5. Thank you for the Saturday smile, Shyla☺

  6. I hope the good news continue and the good nights too :o) and to see a happy Shyla is our greatest wish :o)

  7. Hari OM
    Your Friday Funny is my Saturday Smiler and I'll raise you a Heart Warmer!!! YAM xx

  8. Oh Shyla, that photo made my whiskers grin up!

  9. These pictures are fabulous! Her eyes against the leaves are stunning--and that face in the second one made me chuckle, too :) I'm glad she had a good night! My aunt has a dalmatian who has suffered from terrible seizures and has had many long nights sitting up with her, so I know how draining that can be for everyone. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have answers and solutions soon.

  10. Love that last photo!!! Glad last night was a good one and crossing paws more good ones will follow!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Sometimes happiness depends on something that seems small to others. Hope the S monster stays away again. Love seeing her gleaming coat in the autumnal colours.

  12. The ride is worth the bumps!
    John Carder

  13. HaHa! we laughed out loud too! Yay for a goodnight - hope tonight is good too!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. Love it! Are her eyes really that golden? They look just the color of the gorgeous trees in the background!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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