Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Labraduo Sunday

It was going to be Black Dog Sunday, until last night happened.

First, the good news. We continue to be so astounded with R's physical abilities now about 5 months post surgery. We both were scared right after the CUE surgery, thinking that we'd made a bad choice because he was in so much pain. Now, he can do so much, playing with utter abandon, and rarely limping. I'm so glad that he had the surgery!

On the flip side, Shyla had another myoclonic seizure last night. I am starting to believe that we are heading into a bigger issue than we had hoped. It makes me really sad.
Life is never purely happy or purely sad, as our current situation shows. I will keep trying to seize the days that our Labraduo is feeling good to have lots and lots of fun!


  1. We can only imagine how crushing this is. We pray for an answer . . . a very treatable answer!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. I'm so glad R is thriving! I looked up a bit of the surgery and recovery on Google, and it's a really interesting process. I'm glad he's handled it well.

    I'm so sorry about Shyla. I hope you find a manageable answer.

  3. Here's hoping that among the wide range of causes and severity, Shyla's will be at the very best end of the bell curve. We'll keep her (and you) in our thoughts.

    I'm sure your veterinarian will agree that the skilled surgery they did would not be nearly as effective without your (and R's) dedication to his rehab program.

    You are so right to keep having fun. Shyla has no idea there could possibly be a problem. She will live as if there isn't and so must you. Good luck, dear blogger buddy. To all four of you.

  4. Words fail me, I send heaps of love, hoping the vets find a reason and a cure. R, he has come so far after that surgery, and I am hoping so much that Shyla will do equally as well. Hugs, XXXX

  5. That's great about R, but I'm so sad about Shyla. Fingers crossed for you all.

  6. Were praying for an answer about Shyla too.. and we hope they have maybe already identified what is going on with her. Were so sorry this is happening to her,

    Were happy about R....
    your so right about the ups and downs,

  7. So sorry to learn about Shyla. I think you already had your amount of ilnes. More than that . But happy that R is mending so good. Love Else marie

  8. I'm so sorry that the monter ame back to shyla... potp for the labra-duo...

  9. Hari OM
    Hoorrah for R... and boo hiss for Shyla's 'attacker'... adding you to my POTP listings. Sending Love and hugs, YAM xx

  10. We are so happy for R but so sad for Shyla. Sending POTP.

  11. We are so happy for R and for his progress but we are just crushed about Shyla. Please give her a huge hug from us and we are tightly crossing paws and fingers that something positive can be done for her.

  12. We too are most happy for R but we hate that for dear Shyla. I sure hope the Vet can figure out how to keep the seizure monster at bay.

  13. Hi KB! Sorry I have been MIA lately. So so sorry to hear about Shyla's seizures. This breaks my heart wide open for you. You have been thru SO MUCH with Shyla. Praying that she comes thru this challenge ok, and wisdom for the doctors to help her get thru this. R is such a sweet boy! I am overjoyed to see him playing like this!

    Indy and I send big hugs to you all,


  14. I'm so sorry KB. I'll be thinking of you as you get to the bottom of Shyla's seizure disorder. Hopefully a medication will control it, and she'll be 100% again.

  15. We are so happy to continue to read of R'a amazing progress, but saddened to hear about Shyla's seizure. We are in the throes of another round of seizures for Ciara too. Those poor girls need a miracle cure.

  16. Yay for R, but we are so sorry that Shyla is having these seizures. We send tons of POTP and hope the vets can provide some help for her
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. We are also sending POTP out for Shyla, but are glad that R is doing so much better.

  18. Prayers R & Shyla's health
    Could the seizures be a parasite of some sort she picked up along the way that's not familiar or easy to detect? Has Lyme disease been ruled out?

  19. So happy for you R. My surgeries helped me too. Shylas seizures must be terrifying. Hope that find the cause in order to treat it. Paws crossed for you friend
    Lily & Edward

  20. Shyla we are so sorry you having seizures...we will be looking up exactly what that is and sending purrs.
    R...you are amazing with your pt!! Keep it up
    Hugs madi and mom

  21. Shyla and peeps and R,
    Mom and I just put up a post for Shyla here

  22. Seems the labs are taking turns. Must feel so good to know that R's surgery was the right thing. We'll be thinking about Shyla....

  23. I have never had an animal that had seizures it must be frightening for both of you. I see where myoclonic seizure are quite short praying that Shyla is not confused when the seizure ends. Seems like life is never simple. Your last post sentence is so true.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  24. So glad to hear about R's progress but very worried about Shyla. We have her in our thoughts and prayers and also lots of POTP heading in her direction.

  25. Wonderful news about R. We are praying very hard for Shyla.

  26. Shula, I have my paws crossed that your seizures are controlled as well as mine are and that the underlying cause is not a big deal.

    your pal,


  27. R, it is so good to see you playin' like that! I am so happy for you!!!!
    Shyla, gurl, I am so sorry. Man, sometimes life just sucks! Know that all of us have our paws crossed real tight that the vetties can find something to help you, and know we are sendin' tons of healin' vibes and lots of POTP your way! Oh, and don't forgets the AireZens! ☺
    Ruby ♥


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