Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thankful Thursday

I like Thankful Thursday - it makes me stop and realize what I have so much gratitude for. The biggest one is R's recovery. We've managed to win back some more romping for him through surgery and then lots of hard work. We smile and smile at his happiness.

It doesn't take much to make him overjoyed - just a stick and some water to play in.

The same is true of Shyla, who has truly found her confidence when playing with her brother. She now wins a lot of the races to get the sticks.
I do still feel worried about Shyla's seizures. She's restless most nights around the time that all her seizures have occurred. We may have to go back to the normal version of Keppra (not the extended release) to get her out of this worrisome pattern.

We're having a warm bluebird day, and we know that a long winter isn't far behind it. So, we're going to try to get to a mountain lake to let the dogs swim and play in the water once more before the snow flies.

Happy Thankful Thursday!


  1. That water looks cold! Glad they can enjoy it before the snow comes.
    MR Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  2. The duo sure does look wonderfully happy!

  3. I am sure R is thrilled to be back to romping and rolling. Continued prayers for Shyla. If you can fix R's elbow you can defeat Shyla's seizures

  4. Were happy about how well R is doing too!! He is a super dog. And Shyla has mastered a lot of obstacles too,,, and we keep our POTP going to Shyla,

  5. Wow, they just LOVE that water! I hope you/they get a little more swimming in before it's too cold.

  6. You sure have lots to be thankful for. We hope you can figure out a solution for Shyla.

  7. I'm certain that if R could speak he would agree that the outcome was absolutely worth the pain after the surgery and the hard work of his therapy. What a joyous thing.

  8. I am smiling from ear to ear! I love this post because I know that joy you're feeling when you see him enjoying his life again! How wonderful for R and you!! And continued good vibes for your beautiful girl too!!

  9. Oh man, those pics of you guys swimmin' and chasin' sticks....just FABulous! Pure joy. I'll keep my paws crossed for you Shyla....keep that nasty S Monster far away!!
    Ruby ♥

  10. it's so great that the surgery brought such a fabulous result... have a super time and enjoy the sunny fall days :o)

  11. So happy the pups can enjoy that glorious weather with you!

  12. You both look so happy, R and Shyla! Beautiful photos, KB!

  13. Beautiful shots. R looks back to his old self.

  14. Nothing puts a smile on my face like a lab enjoying a swim!

  15. Thanks for sharing these stunning photos with us! And we too are glad that "R's" recovery has gone well...

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