Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Farewell to this Week!

I am more than happy to say goodbye to this week. It's been a rough one. Shyla was up with pre-seizure behavior every morning at about 3AM until Wednesday. She didn't seem as tired out by it as we were.

The one good thing from this week was that our vets put their heads together and increased her epilepsy medicine dose. She's slept through the night for the past two nights.

But then it was my turn. I had my bike chain break as I was stomping the pedals to get over a short steep hill. The sudden loss of a chain sent me zooming backwards down a hill. I ended up crashed 10 yards below the trail. Just today, I decided that I had to get the intense pain checked out. It's a broken rib. Dang.
I know that this kind of injury is a risk that I take with doing the things that I love in our mountains. I've been riding despite the pain all week, and my doc says it's okay to stay active (but to be extra careful so that I don't fall on it again).

So, let's just wave goodbye to this week and hope for a great weekend and a better week next week.


  1. Farewell indeed. Hope the increase in meds does the trick. And here's to a quick mend for you. Relax this weekend.

  2. Oh yea, this week wasn't at all polite. We hope the pain goes away super soon.

  3. Here is to a better tomorrow!! Glad to hear Shyla is sleeping through the night...hopefully you will get to do the same tonight :-)

  4. Oh honey, heal quickly! Love to Shyla, and best wishes for the meds working better too!

  5. Farewell week!! We hope you heal fast KB!

  6. My computer has been down so I'm catching up. So sorry about your accident. And Shyla's continued problems. I hope she is now on a better regime for all your sakes. And while it's quite painful, the rib will heal with tincture of time. I join you in saying goodbye to this past week for many reasons. And I'm quite ready to say goodbye to 2016 as well.

  7. I've broken ribs before. It is SO painful! Don't know how you can ride your bike! I couldn't even breathe!

    1. Oh, and of course, wishing you speedy healing!

  8. I am glad Shyla is sleeping through the night. Praying for you. Take things slow

  9. Oh KB!! Take care of yourselff as well as you take care of the Duo!! Sending rottie kisses. I'll save the hugs - even virtual - for another time!!

  10. OMD!!!!! BROKEN RIB??! Holy cow patties! You take it easy, and don't do anythings I wouldn't do...☺
    Shyla, gurl, that is FABulous news abouts your meds working better!!! Yea!!! I am sendin' POTP to both of you!!
    Next week has gotta be better! {{hugs}}
    Ruby ♥

    1. "Holy cow patties" is a phrase that I am definitely going to start using. You crack me up, Ruby.

  11. Good to hear that Shyla is sleeping better. Be careful and take time to let that rib heal!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. No wonder that laughing is too painful. Have you tried the 5 pillow trick, one across, two at an angle, to make a V inverted. and the other two crossways again? New med regime, hope it is helping and all night sleeping will resume soon. What a fab wave goodbye with those hills and mountains behind.

  13. Hari OM
    Crikey, these things do all tend to come at once, don't they? Having had a broken rib, can completely empathise! Cheering along with you for a better week ahead. Cheerio Shyla, paw waves back at ya! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  14. We are more than happy to wave good-by right along with you, Shyla! We're sending you lots of healing vibes, KB!

  15. Howdy Mates. I'm sorry you've had such a tough week. I will keep paws crossed your ribs feel better soon and Shyla keeps on sleeping through the night. Take care. No worries, and love, Stella

  16. Great wave, Shyla!
    Broken ribs are slow to heal, but they do, thank goodness. Be careful, and keep in mind that you can't prepare for or avoid everything that will cause a sharp increase in pain...sneezing with a broken rib is the only thing I can recall that has actually made me "see stars"!

  17. So sorry about your broken rib! But it's good news that Shyla's meds are helping her sleep now. You need your rest!

  18. Yes, wave goodbye fur sure! Love R's wave! Any pics of him and Shyla waving together (yes, that is a challenge)? Sorry about that broken rib. I heard they are very painful and slow healing.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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