Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Bears Gone Wild!

Our black bears are enjoying this extremely warm autumn. The males are busily marking trees. I've read that bears have a flurry of marking before they go into their dens. It's as if they want to put a final claim on their territory that will still be there when the first bears wake up in the spring.

I still remember vividly an extremely cold snap that we had in the 1st half of November two years ago. Look at the temperatures in the upper right of the photo. I bet that this bear (Tiny, I believe) wished that he was snug in a den.

Today, I'm sharing a video of a flurry of tree-marking by bears in the past couple of weeks. I included the first clip of Milton because I was so impressed with how easily he snapped a branch off the tree and then absent-mindedly dropped it onto the ground. It's amazing that the marking trees stay alive at all!

The next few clips are of a new bear. He's a male with a black stripe down the top of his snout and a black area under his lower lip. He seems determined to lay some claim to this area, despite the scents of Milton and Tiny that were definitely on the trees that he marked. I love his spunk!

Here's the video. I hope that it makes you smile!

After watching it, does anyone have an idea for a name of the new bear? I'd like it to relate to his distinctive nose and chin markings but I'm open to anything! I hope that he dens near here and sticks around.

Happy Saturday!


  1. I'm not very clever with coming up with names but I love all the bear videos. Good thing that one camera survived the curiosity of the new bear.

  2. So very determined to make his mark on the world! Great footage.

  3. I take a go at naming the Bear.
    Scout (I think he's Scouting out new territory.)
    Or Timber.. ( He is all over the forrest)


  4. Astro has some good ideas. We so enjoy the bear videos.

  5. I love the bear video, it sure beats watching all the election campaign broadcasts that can't go away soon enough for me!

    I'm not good with names either - All I could think of is "Rocky" because he's got it on the nose and chin... Then I thought of Chin Ho... :-)

  6. One of John Milton's poems is " 5th Ode to Horace" so what about calling your new bear Horace, which in English means "Timekeeper " and I'm sure they all keep time of the seasons. What super trail cam videos.

  7. Love the new footage! Talk about close encounter!

    What about Stripe or Blaze?

  8. OMD..I just love the way they dance as they mark!!

    The first thoughts I had for a name was either Travolta or Stripe!

    1. Funny, both of those occurred to me too. Travolta would be a funny one! :)

  9. Loved the video! The butt marking is too funny☺

  10. Those bears always amaze us and we sure enjoy seeing them...from a distance!

  11. Always amazed that the marking trees seem so small and springy....but maybe they feel better, or just don't get a chance to grow!

  12. The bear videos are fascinating. I don't know why I like the name Acorn

  13. No clever name - as a kid I always wanted to name everything Fred.


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