Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Few Words Wednesday

The sun did come up this morning, contrary to many predictions.

Many are scared of the outright bigotry observed in the election. I made this image to represent my fears this morning. I value equality among all living beings above all else.

But, let us have hope that perhaps the two sides of that equal sign can be rejoined.
Without hope, we have nothing.


  1. Barack Obama impressed me so much with his words, and I am hoping he will be able to make the transition go smoothly . I do admire them both for their stamina, long hours, so much travel, so many smiles to have on a face that must surely have gotten tired with day after day of campaigning. And yes, the sun did rise, although down here it is grey, cloudy and almost a few spots in the air. But flowers are blooming, the doggies have paws together, and there is always hope. Let those strips join in harmony again.

  2. Momma and I agree. Hope, Hope, Hope.

  3. Amen. Hope. Hope. Hope. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

  4. I have hope that a Trump presidency will have a silver lining! We woke up to the first rain in months here, as if even Mother Earth was sad.

  5. Well, at least the commercials and robocalls are gone, for now.

  6. Seeing R and Shyla has brought our first smile of the day.
    May we see many more in the days to come.

    xo Astro

  7. We are glad to see the election behind us...and I love your symbol, and yes...Lots of hope

  8. Thank goodness for our dogs. I also hope we can heal the divide. Many of the Trump voters have felt disenfranchised by both parties, seeing others enjoy a prosperity they didn't see. They have been ignored and it shouldn't be so surprising they turned to someone who they felt would say to the establishment of both parties "you're fired." It is comforting to know that Hillary received the popular vote so the majority of Americans were with her. But I look differently at the people I meet on the streets or in stores. I'll try to mend the divide but right now I cannot. A bull in the china shop might shake things up, but it's never good for the bull or for the china shop.

  9. What a great symbol of what our nation has become. I, too, hope for healing and unification.

  10. Ma is still nauseous. literally. She can't say what she truly feels. Let's leave it at that. Dogs are our saviours in all of this. They will heal our hearts and minds. I'm helping by gettin' into all kinds of troubles...BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  11. Hari Om
    Your unequal image holds powerful impact! I sat the whole night and a lot of yesterday without sleep trying to grasp the impact - as were the media of course. On some deep level, one is not surprised though - there seems to be an underlying level of rebellion all over the globe again and I guess it has to run out its course, as so many other times in human history. It's the way of the species.. sigh... sending blessings hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  12. I have so many fears for the next 4 years. Top of that list is public lands, and environmental issues. We can only hope that somebody can put the brakes on all this.

  13. Beautiful photos in the face of a very ugly world. There is something very wrong on this planet at the moment, something which is unleashing the ugliest aspects of human nature. Something which brings out violence and hatred and fear. We can but hang on to hope, but how much hope is there really?

  14. I'm trying to have some hope but it's hard right now. I'm glad to live in a progressive state at least that still puts a huge emphases on us all being equal. And I'm glad Hilary won the popular vote - that does gice me some slight hope since fear didn't truly win the day.

  15. We all will have to work hard to make sure the next 4 years don't wipe out all the good that has been done in the past 8.

  16. It has been a tough week, and there is a lot to worry about. I find myself unable to detach from the news even though that's probably what I should do. All we can do is hope that things won't go the way we fear.


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