Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Moosely Monday

The moose are still around, according to my trail cameras, but they seem to be staying away from people as much as they can. This photo was taken by a trail cam on a very rarely visited and densely forested slope.

It was definitely one of our more mature bull moose.

He noticed my trail camera and gave it a close look before moving along. Look how far his dewlap hangs down. It's almost hitting the ground!
After I saw these photos, I started imagining what it would be like to meet a moose on that particular trail. The trail is very narrow and is cut into the side of a steep slope. I wouldn't have a lot of options for evading him. I hope that it never happens!

I never take dogs to the trails where the wildlife density is high so Shyla has never been there. I think that I'll keep it that way although I think she'd like the trail!
Happy Moosely Monday!


  1. They are such big beautiful animals. Gotta stay safe!

  2. When I was working on foot in moose-populated areas, I used to try to be aware of options for avoiding confrontations. It does no harm to think these things through ahead of time, when we have the chance.

  3. We would not want to run into that big boy!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Oh yea, that would scare the you know what outta me!

  5. We always love seeing your trail cam pictures and videos. We hope you never run into this guy on the trail.

  6. Wow,, those big guys are beautiful!

  7. Such a beautiful animal! Stay safe. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Aroo to you,

  8. I find it difficult to equate MOOSE with BEAUTIFUL. I find it more realistic to think Moose is Moose. I do hope you avoid that big boy, along with his old lady and kids! Hugs from Snowy Minniesnowda!
    Jo and Stella

  9. wow the eyes are impressing... now I know what headlights really means :o)

  10. We were thinking the trail was so small, it's a wonder he doesn't get caught in the branches.

  11. Handsome moose! Very wise to not mix bull moose with dogs though :)

  12. What a regal animal!! I love the first picture!!


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