Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Peace in the Mountains

With all the tumult in our country these days, we are seeking out the peace of our mountains. There's nothing like the quiet of sunrise in the mountains. And winter sunrises are the best.
We rarely see anyone on our mountain bike rides - and when we do, they are sensitive and friendly people. All of us have needed a little extra space recently, and we've been giving it to each other.

Shyla and I head for our quiet little corners of the forest, enjoying the sunrise light. Both of us have been feeling physically good for a few days, which is wonderful!
During our rides, I've been thinking about world and national affairs much more than usual. However, I realize that some real work can be done more locally. For example, I have continued to find illegal campers and get them thrown out. The latest crew all had warrants out for their arrests so getting them out of our neck of the woods (and into jail) is a big relief. What is happening to our world?

When did everyone forget that the wildlife need non-trashed forests to live out their lives? -- Like this owl. He graced my trail camera with a visit. 

According to my research, the only large owl that winters here is the Great Horned Owl but I don't see "big horns" on this owl. However, he never looked at the camera while except in that last blurry photo so I am not certain that he isn't a Great Horned Owl.

I hope that we can find a way to preserve the health of our planet and our local forests, even if the new administration doesn't care about those things.

I made this silly little symbol of hope the other day. Let's all try to be like those safety pins, pulling factions back together to bring more peace to our world.


  1. We love the Peace symbol and we love seeing your neck of the woods!

  2. Love love the peace symbol. We all need to find that peace.

  3. Your symbol is beautiful, and so apt right now. Peace is a fragile, delicate and changeable situation , not permanent anywhere, and we need to hold onto what we feel is right, at that time.Your mountains are a comfort every time you visit them, or look from below. And, if it is the same for others who see your beautiful photos, we have comfort too.

  4. That is an awesome symbol. Peace for the red, white, and blue held together in "safety".

  5. It could be a Great Grey Owl? Love owls, have done since I visited Greece in 1993 as a 15 year old and being inspired by the goddess Athene.

  6. Oh, what a beautiful owl! Ma loves them. I'm glads the trouble makers are gone, hopefully for good. Yes, I loves your symbol! Ma has been wearing her safety pin everyday. This country should be a safe place for all
    Ruby ♥

  7. the owl photo is just great!!! I like your symbol and I wish we all will be like the safety pins and we can hold our world together :o)

  8. Great post. Could I steal your symbol and use it as my Facebook pic
    Lily & Edward

  9. Great thoughts! Good work keeping your forests safe for the wildlife. And what a variety of wildlife you have. Keep it up!

  10. That is a good path - help locally where you can. Glad you are feeling better
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. I love the peace symbol that you made,, Its just perfect!
    Yes,, we all need to find a peaceful spot in our corner of the world.!
    We have Great Horned Owls too

  12. Your peace symbol with the safety pins is perfect. We have great horned owls around here but in the 26 years we've lived here we have only seen them a handful of times. They can often be heard at night but are rare to ever see.


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