Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Saturdays are for recharging

Life marches onward, and Shyla and I are falling back into our routines. This is one of my favorites - visiting the top of our little world to play.That's the Continental Divide behind Shyla. I have never known it to be so devoid of snow at this time of year.
I am thoroughly exhausted today, after a week of migraines, a big shock, and a panicky attack. I did figure out one aspect of my panic attack - I'd just drunk a fair bit of an electrolyte replacement drink that has a lot of matcha tea in it. My research shows that a very small percentage of people have a paradoxical reaction to a chemical in matcha tea, and it causes neurological symptoms like I experienced. My neurologist always says that I am her most sensitive patient to medicines designed to affect the nervous system (i.e., migraine meds) so I guess it all makes sense.

I'm relieved that my awful experience the other day has a good explanation. I'm never drinking anything with matcha tea in it again! My experience was so scary.

I hope that all of you are finding some relaxation and recovery in your weekends. It's a tumultuous time and all of us need to find ways to recharge.


  1. Your mountains have no snow and my summer flowers are still blooming! Winter is slow in arriving this year. I'm spending the weekend in the country doing agility! I didn't hear one person say a word about the election! Ahhhhh! Nothing but dog talk.

  2. So glad you are doing better and figured out what triggered your problem. We're trying very hard to get back into some semblance of normal life. But I wake up every morning in disbelief. Your lack of snow and our exceptional drought are rather frightening. And it appears the President-elect intends to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and ignore all of President Obama's initiatives on climate change. Of course he says he believes this global warming talk is a hoax anyhow.

  3. When I was having a lot of severe headaches, the Drs suggested that I go onto Imigran!! Never again, I thought it was like I had worms crawling in my brain, guess it was the way it dilated the blood vessels. And after that, there are some anti-nausea meds I cannot have as they paralyse my face. A friend said Hugh would be overjoyed as I could not talk!!!So glad you found what might be the cause. Time will be a great diagnostic technician !!No snow, what has happened? I have very mixed ideas on Global Warming, after all there was the Little Ice Age from about 1300, preceded by the Medieval Warm Period. I worry here in NZ, as there are always discussions about it, carbon credits, greenhouse emissions, and animal "FART" tax. So each day, I try not to dwell on what I cannot change, and be happy with how we have sunshine and friends.

    1. Is there really an animal "FART" tax? LOL!!!!! I know fellow mountain bikers who are "bikepacking" in NZ right now. You might enjoy following along at Zenondirt.wordpress.com.

  4. Hari OM
    As one who also has ridiculous reactions to most conventional medicines I was forced to find alternatives... and Homoeopathy was my answer; for others it is accupuncture and other more 'energetic' modalities. Finding those in proximity to where you reside may present a problem. As to what I can't drink... it's coffee; even the smell of it makes me tingle! Neither is it about the caffeine, as I can drink tea without the same hyper response.

    Hey ho.. it's all a process heh na?! Sunday Blessings, YAM xx

  5. We hope that next week is a much better week for you, KB!

  6. Glad you figured that out. I get panic attacks and I hate them. Not fun. But.....playing in the sunshine with doggies, that's fun!

  7. I've only had one full-blown panic attack and it was terrifying. I hope this week is an improvement over last week in every way!!!

  8. I'm still looking for what works for my headaches. I think they are more sinus than migraine, although the migraine medication works on them but I hate taking it. I've been trying several teas to deal with anxiety and sleeplessness -- Chamomile, my own blend of Skullcap, Lemon Balm and Chamomile.

    Yes, weekends are for recharging. Heading out now for a dog walk now. :)

  9. So sorry about your reactions - it has to be so tough to live with. You are a rock! Give your pups a hug from us - going to attempt to stay here in blogland for a while - the internets in some places are cruel and sad now.
    Sammie and Ava

  10. I hope you all get recharged and then have a thoroughly snuggly Sunday!

  11. It is amazing what food can do to the body. Soy gives me panic attacks (and other symptoms as well). Feel better.

  12. It is reassuring to know what causes a bad reaction, isn't it? Especially when It's something easy to avoid.


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