Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Joy of a Dog

The unfortunate streak of migraines has continued today so today's post will be short. I'll highlight something that made me smile today despite a migraine. It's now been three years in a row that I've gotten "cluster migraines" in November. Ugh.

Here was the best part of my day before the aura and migraine symptoms started - a simple game of fetch with Shyla. Her joy infuses my heart with similar joy.
I truly believe that we can learn so much from our dogs. Shyla doesn't worry about tomorrow or whether she might have a seizure. Rather, she's simply joyfully playing fetch. Shyla is almost always fully enjoying the moment, galloping with glee and pleading for more play.

I love her. She makes me smile every day.


  1. Our pups can often remind us of how to live in the moment. I love the dirty snout with Wubba picture. How interesting that this seems to be a seasonal thing. Too bad you can't figure out what the trigger is and help prevent it.

  2. We all love Shyla - because we see her through your eyes :-) Feel the betterment soon.

  3. That's what they're there for. To remind us to carpe dogiem! BOL! My problem is that my energy level is so low that even if I didn't have the pain, i wouldn't be able to do what I used to do with my dogs pre-treatment. I have a sloth lifestyle most of the time but now and then i feel good and can play with them. I don't know how you even do it with your issues. you're are made of steel. Hope the migraines go away and shyla's health continues to do well too.

  4. What a lovely picture -- so simple and so dynamic at once.

  5. Absolutely true about our dogs. But I think it's also true of you, making the most of each good day you have. Look how you were playing with Shyla before the aura. So sorry the cluster has continued. Hope you find relief soon.

  6. It's true us dogs are the reason why you always have a smile and live in your hearts. Feel better.

    Aroo to you,

  7. OMD, you too??! This week has been especially bad ~ Saturday I took every med I had, and STILL it was there! Yesterday wasn't too bad, then today...bam! My doc says weather has a lot to do with it, and obviously there is nothing we can do about that! I am sending you lots of healing vibes and ice/heat packs (don't know which you use, or both ~ I use both). Oh, you were describing the aura the other day,and yours is almost the same as mine! except I get 'prisms' ~ very pretty if it didn't blind me, and bring the frickin' pain! ☺
    Shyla, Ruby here, sorry abouts the peep talk, I loves loves loves your Kong!!!! I had one just like it before I tore the top off of it!
    Ruby ♥

  8. Shyla sure does live in the moment!! We could all take lessons fron her! Can't you just see us all sitting around the porch! :)

  9. I agree with you...to live in the moment and to live efurry moment is the best.... and I sadly have to join the meow-graine crew... feel better soon, potp that this evil gremlin stays only for a short while...

  10. We hope your migraine passes soon, KB! You make us smile too, Shyla♥

  11. Stopping back to say...I hope you feel better KB. I do believe that the weather has something to do with how I feel. I've been struggling since August...but having been under a tremendous amount of stress is not helping matters either. Sending positive vibes your way!

  12. I hope the migraines end for you very soon. Yay Shyla for making the most of every day! (sounds like you do too :)

  13. My quality of life is all down to the critters. Reminding me to breathe, to feel the sun on my face, to eat good things, to keep moving.

  14. So sorry the migraines have returned. You are amazing to still make the most of everyday and do all that you do
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Those wubbas are Harlow's favorite toys! I hope you feel better.

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  16. We sure hope those terrible head aches go away soon.

  17. That looks like a well-loved wubba:) Hope today is a better day for you. We may need to just remove November from the calendar.

  18. I'm sorry your migraines are back. One of the curses of being human is not being able to live in the moment.

  19. We're living with Jasper, the Best Dog Ever, who has progressing heart failure and heart disease. I try to remember how you lived with K through the end of her life, trying to stay in the present while you give them the best life you can while you have them.

    It's a challenge. One day at a time...

  20. Wow, what a heartwarming post. Reading it, word by word, I felt it touch a soft spot.
    You are 100% right, we never know what can happen to us tomorrow, the next couple hours or even the next couple minutes. We "live" day by day so worried about what will happen to us next...always worrying about our "picture perfect future"...but is that really us "living"? Are we maybe just so obbsessed and blinded by our own imagination of what the world should be? Now hear me out....if questioned about how you're life has been thus far, would you have any regrets? Maybe the "fear" of tomorrrow, held you back from enjoying and actually living in the present? The right now?

    Anyway, sorry for the rant.
    Thank you so much for sharing.



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