Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 23, 2016

A Puppy Party

A little while before R's recent surgery, the lovely Miss Sadie came to visit again. She's a 4 month old puppy - a mix between Lab and Shepherd - and she's still trying to decide how her ears will turn out. She also loves R's peanut, and imitates everything that he does on it, much to our amusement.

It is so fun to watch Sadie's and R's expressive faces as they play. It's pretty amazing for a 9-year-old dog like R to enjoy playing with a puppy so much!

We've started calling him "Uncle R" - because he's teaching Sadie so much. He rolls on his back and lets her attack a lot of the time. Look how wide her eyes are!

Sometimes, they play standing up. The problem with standing is that Sadie is still at the "ankle-biting" stage. R lets her know that it's not okay to bite his back legs but she forgets sometimes (I don't have good photos of it). It makes us laugh because Puppy R used to bite K's ankles. Now he's getting it back!

When Sadie plays fairly, R is glad to reciprocate. He sure does like showing his teeth!

Sadie goes home as a very tired puppy after all the playing.
This time, Sadie went home and baked R some "Get-Well" dog bones. She's a very talented puppy! Both R and Shyla love the dog bones. Thanks Sadie! We hope that you come visit again after R recovers!


  1. It's pretty amazing how some older dogs, who haven't been around puppies much, seem to be so good with them! (And how it brings out the inner puppy in some seniors!)

  2. These pictures make me laugh :)

  3. Play time is fun time and my, the fun is everywhere!

  4. It's funny how it goes full circle and the biter become the bite-e! Sadie is just too cute!

  5. Hari OM
    All is right with the world - and R. These pictures tell me it is so... and that's all that's needed. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. KB, Loved seeing R playing with Sadie-they look so cute together. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas filled with everything that makes your heart smile.

  7. Uncle R is a good teacher! Heal R! Merry Christmas to all of you!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Uncle R is a great influence on little Miss Sadie. We hope all is going well with his recovery.

  9. We bet Sadie loves her visits with Uncle R and Shyla - she reminds us a lot of the play we see here between Misty and Lightning. And oh boy, you want to see fun, just let Misty have a playdate with her puppy cousin Ruby:) Insane nonstop activity!

    Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us!!!

    Jingle Woos - Lightning and Misty and Mom too

  10. what fun photos! Hope R is healing well
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Awww, nothing like a puppy to bring out the fun in all of us. Great photos.

    Take care of that R. Hope is doing better.

  12. What does sweet Shyla do while all this goofie-ness is going on? Probably keeping her distance!

    Hear we have Storm Europa coming our way, do you? Hope you and the runner feel better soon! Merry Christmas, Jo and Stella

  13. OMD, HOW ADORABLES!!!!! You are givin' Ma puppy-fever....not a pretty sight. Just sayin'.
    Sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes and slobbery kisses!!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Absolutely adorable! Makes me have puppy fever! Merry Christmas toy you all!

  15. That Sadie is really a cutie! I love that "R" is mentoring her, something all pups need. Todd had his as well, and I know they helped to form the foundation that has given him that soundness that he needs around dogs he meets.

    I hope your boy continues to heal uneventfully - Healing and lots (!!) of good vibes coming to your time zone!


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