Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Wild Visit by a Puppy

A certain little puppy named Sadie came to visit again. Her ears are a comical work in progress!

Almost immediately, pandemonium broke out in our house - the good and funny kind of pandemonium!

R and Sadie picked up exactly where they left off last time with lots of teeth baring! If you didn't know that dogs play this way, you'd be scared.

One minute, they'd be lying together like best friends...

And the next minute, teeth were bared again!

R seemed to know that he needed to keep Sadie feeling like she was "winning" their wrestling matches so he'd "self-handicap" by lying on his back and letter her attack him.

Shyla was more comfortable and tried to get Sadie to play a few times.

That ring toy has been Shyla's favorite since she was a pup. She let Sadie have it at one point.
Their play was brief but I bet that Shyla will eventually understand puppy behavior well enough to really play with Sadie. She made a good start the other day.

However, soon, Sadie was back with her best buddy, R. If you saw teeth like R's in this photo, would you stick your head closer to them?

That's what Sadie did.
After all the play, Sadie decided to fall asleep in my lap. Ah, I love puppies!

Sadie lives very close to us so I'm hoping that she and R can be friends for a long time. In the meantime, I hope that Sadie can come back to visit again sometime soon.


  1. I laughed and smiled all the way through.. we miss the play fights between Baby and Jake, they are so fun to watch and I really enjoyed these

  2. Puppies are the BEST! It's so sweet to see Shyla offering her favorite toy to Sadie. I hope they'll become furiends. (Fun fact: Momma has always wanted a dog named Sadie, but never had one she thought it fit!)

  3. Oh my goodness love the playtime and energy! You go R!
    Lily & Edward

  4. Nothing better than borrowing a puppy! I had my friend's Lab yesterday :-)

  5. So sweet! Great that she can come visit your duo.

  6. Aw such joy!!! It's wonderful that R is so playful with energetic little Sadie - she's a cutie! And Shyla will learn a lot from watching them.

  7. Those teeth!! Shyla is so good to share, and wonderful to know that Sadie lives close enough for more visits.

  8. So cute! How true that the play can look serious but they know what they are doing.

  9. How very generous of you, Shyla! We have teeth barred in our house a whole lot!

  10. They are all so cute! How fun! I'm glad Shyla was comfortable enough to try and play! :D

  11. Nice play photos! Shyla will get the hang of it and they will be best friends!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. That's the way we play. Someone once asked if we were fighting! Good for Shyla trying to get in the game. We're sure another couple of visits will help.

  13. Glorious puppy fun!!! We see lots of those teeth here too when Misty and Lightning get going. Once in a while there is a little yip but the big guy knows to tone it down. Sadie looks like a very fun pup.

  14. I think it's so sweet that Shyla offered to share her favorite toy! She must really want to join the fun :)

  15. I also just love the way Shyla offered Sadie her toy...and, of course, the fun energy Sadie and R have with each other!

  16. Miss Sadie sure is a cutie! She and R definitely have a great time playing. That is good for both of them. It's good to see that Shyla is making progress in befriending her too.

  17. Oh how I love to play with puppies. R and Shyla are very good with her.

  18. Crikey ..... how good is that? R and Sadie are good mates but it won't be long and Shyla all be joining in with all those teeth too, aye??

  19. Dang, the ears and teeth are everywhere and so is the fun!

  20. There is no getting over the adorableness of Sadie. I love that R has found a good playmate in her, and I am sure Shyla will very soon as well. I would love to have her visit me! Though not at home, since the cat would definitely object.

    It's so good for all of them to have her visit. It gives me all sorts of warm fuzzies.

  21. Sadie brings out the pup in R. I think it was sweet of Shyla to share her favorite toy, that's something people sometimes have a hard time doing.

    Aroo to you,

  22. What a fun day. And I finally get to see the inside of your house. It is beautiful. Glad to see you have somewhere wonderful to relax when you are done riding

  23. What a fun visit! My puppy Rye has a ring like that and she loves it, too. She keeps trying to offer it to her kitty brother who wants nothing to do with it :)


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