Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Black Dog Sunday - A Tough Week Ahead

Unfortunately, our black dog is having another surgery on Tuesday. He has two growths on his good front leg that need to be removed. Consequently, he'll be facing some more down time, when he'll have to refrain running around or playing. We're going to miss his play sessions with little Sadie.

That's right, R. It's your right front limb with the problems now. We are, of course, worried about whether the growths are benign. One looks like melanoma but the surgeon believes that removing it will be curative. We will be holding our breath while we wait for the pathology to come back.

We all hope that this dog doesn't get sidelined from the romping that he loves for too long. If the tumors are benign and R heals as expected, it should be only about 2 weeks before he's resuming normal life. However, I have to admit that I always wonder if vets understand what "normal life" is for us!

I am going to miss doing our daily circus act of rehab exercises. I've come to love spending that time with R every single day. I took the next photo during a short break during a rehab session - the faucets were open and R wanted more treats!
We're hoping for a happy week for our black dog.


  1. Praying for a benign report! My friend's lab had a melanoma removed (sometime in mid-life), and never had another issue. Went on to be 15!

  2. I know what you mean about the meaning of "resuming normal life"...I recently realized my doctors may think "chores" means something like sweeping the floor. I'm going to start using a couple of examples to give them a better idea.
    Best of luck to R, who is a trooper and a champ! I see a lot of treats coming up in the near future. A LOT of treats, even by KB standards. Hugs to all four of you!

  3. Dear R, we are sending all our best purrs and prayers for a great outcome so you can be romping again super soon.

  4. Hari Om
    POTP to dear R... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Paws crossed for a successful surgery and good results on the pathology.

  6. Paws together for you, handsome R ... for successful surgery, quick recovery and no lasting issues!
    Hugs for Mom!

  7. Hoping all goes well this week, and R is back to his usual exuberant self out there in your snow.

  8. In our house, we call those "slobbercicles". :D

    Best wishes for a good outcome for R, and quick and thorough healing!

  9. Paws crossed for R. The poor boy. We hope he's up and able to enjoy the New Year.

  10. All paws are crossed over here!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. We too are hoping for a very good week for you and for R. All paws crossed from the pups and lots of good thoughts and prayers from me.

  12. Sending you lots of POTP for a quick and complete recovery!


  13. We are crossing our paws and sending you TONS of AireZen and positive vibes, R!

  14. Poor R! What a bummer! I hope he feels better soon!

  15. Poor guy! I hope everything goes smoothly and is benign. <3

  16. We are also hoping everything goes smoothly with no surprises!

  17. Paws crossed for R. You and I have both been down this toe thing before. Sending love, hugs and POTP!!

  18. Hi KB - so sorry I have been MIA - I saw this update and gasped just a little. Poor R - I am so sorry to hear this news. He is such a sweet boy, I know he will be ok under your guiding hands and hearts.

    Indy and I want to wish you ALL a very happy holiday!!! Here's to a wonderful 2017 and beyond.....

  19. OH NOES! OMD, I missed soooo much! I gots my paws crossed that R will heal real fast ~ sendin' lots of POTP!!!!!
    Ruby ♥


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