Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Desert Diary - Our time at K's Rock

As I mentioned in my last post about our Utah trip, we stayed in two spots. The second spot was our long-time favorite desert campsite - K's Rock.

It's a gorgeous spot where we have complete solitude. I found during one of my wandering desert mountain bike rides during which I checked out every side trail or road off my normal route. What a find! Our van sits tucked down low where it can't be seen until you crest a little hill surrounding K's Rock.

Aside from the great runs and bike rides from this spot, we always have fun just hanging around camp. The Runner is also a rock climber, and he knows a route to scramble to the top of K's rock from the back. I love seeing him on top of the rock!

I love playing with the Duo and taking their photos during the golden hour with K's Rock behind them.

The most amazing afternoons are the ones when we get great reddish light just before sunset...

... and then a beautiful sunset to top it off!
This is looking at the west end of K's Rock, which is the only narrow part and leaning like crazy!

And, even better yet, I love it when the clouds clear out at night so that we can see the zillions of stars in the sky!
I am already looking forward to our next visit to the desert! We have an adventure tentatively planned that will take us to brand new places!


  1. Beautiful pictures! It looks like you've found the perfect spot. I can't wait to see what new adventures you'll be going on.

  2. Ahhh we feel the peace!
    Lily & Edward

  3. Thanks for taking us along. That is as close as we will get to such beauty.

  4. Great shots! Love that redrock!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Beautiful...between the red rocks and starry skies, it looks like the perfect getaway spot!

  6. We can tell that is such a very special place for you:)

  7. How wonderful to have this incredibly beautiful spot all to yourselves!


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