Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Smiles for a Gray Winter Day

The reality of winter set in yesterday, with a gray day with light snow falling all day. Oh, and I almost forgot - the wind was whipping fine ice pellets into my face as I rode my fat bike. The trails had pure ice under the thin layer of new snow. This was one of the first days that I wished for studs on my fat bike tires while riding in Colorado.

So, to counteract my gloomy mood, I decided to highlight some fun photos that make me smile. I hope that they make you smile too!

For a Labrador, there is nothing as worthy of a huge effort as a treat.

She pulled it in...

Didn't quite snag this one....  but look at her eyes!

Her eyes only got wider on the next one.
That was worthy of a smile, I think!

Every day is a handful of seconds longer now. Knowing that is another reason to smile!


  1. Oh Shyla you are one athlete
    Lily & Edward

  2. Lol....Those faces. She is just too funny.

  3. your eyes.... your broiught more than just one smile to me today :o)

  4. Those pictures definitely made us smile.

  5. You are definitely making us smile, Shyla☺

  6. Gee Shyla, you are a pawfessional!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Those are awesome! (Even here in sunny So Cal, I get hit by the post-holiday blues. Although the sunshine does help.) :) Thanks for the smiles!

  8. Stella sort of sees this activity as the same as fetching a ball. She would just as soon wait for treat to hit the floor as go to all that trouble to catch it. Lazy or smart, what will it be?

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Lazybones

  9. Shyla's expressions are the best medicine in the world!


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