Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thankful Thursday - Shyla's Birthday

During our trip, Shyla had a birthday. She's now five years old. I cannot believe how the time has flown.

She's come so far since we met her. She can navigate most of the world without fear paralyzing her. It still can be hard for her but she manages. And she keeps trying to expand her world. For example, she has a new friend in the neighborhood - a one year old black Lab with whom she plays chase whenever we see him on the trails. He's the first neighborhood dog who she's learned to trust enough to play with him. Way to go, Shyla!

For her birthday, we did a desert ride up to the "Top of the World". It's a long climb to the top of a high cliff that looks down on the desert floor. We saw absolutely no one else for the entire ride. It was a wonderful way to celebrate, doing something that we both love.
As I looked at her photo above, her epilepsy tag caught my eye. You never know what each year will bring. On her fourth birthday (celebrated in the same spot), I had no idea that she'd be wearing this tag this year.

In late November, the sun is never high in the sky in North America so our shadows were very long as we stood on top of the cliff. The cracks in the rock made it look as if Shyla had arms or wings in her shadow (she's on the left).
I think that she had a good birthday, all except for the end of it. She had a seizure that night. That was simply not fair.

But dogs don't think that way. They just revel in each moment, not stopping to feel sorry for themselves or worry about the future.
On this Thankful Thursday, I am thanking our lucky stars that we have sweet Shyla in our lives. She's a bright spot in our lives with her pure love for us and her joy in each day.


  1. She is so beautiful ... happy birthday Shyla!

  2. Happy 5th Birthday, Shyla! We are so happy that you have a new friend that you trust enough to play with! You sure did celebrate your special day in style and bummer about that nasty seizure.

  3. Happy Birthday sweet pea! Can't believe you are 5!! Wow time goes to fast
    Lily & Edward

  4. We LOVES that last picture of Shyla. She's definitely the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Happy barkday to you, sweet girl!

  5. Happy Birthday Shyla, beautiful girl.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Shyla. You sure have blossomed into a beautiful girl both inside and out. Of course your mom's hard work helped a lot too.

  7. Hari om
    Oh yes a very special greeting for a very special gal-dog!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Happy Birthday, gorgeous Shyla! We cant believe you're already five!

  9. Birthday greetings Shyla. What a high, wonderful place to be with your shadow on those rocks. Five, where have those years vanished to?

  10. Happy Birthday beautiful Shyal, you are such a special gal!

  11. Happy birthday, Shyla! It sounds like she's come such a far way thanks to your love!

  12. Celebrating with activities you love! That's the best way. Happy Birthday, Girl.

  13. Happy Birthday, sweet Shyla!!! You are just so beautiful. We are so sorry for that seizure. Any noise at night still startles us awake thinking it might be Ciara having a seizure. It is a good thing that dogs don't remember or worry about them, or at least that is what we are told.

  14. Happy birfday SHyla! Did you get some ice cream? Hows about some cake and pressies? We sure hope so! Our 5th birfday is coming in a couple months!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. I remember when she first came home. Can't believe she is 5 already. Fingers crossed that you get the meds just right and her seizures stop completely.

  16. Happy birthday Shyla. You are a beautiful dog and you are the subject of some beautiful artwork. Wishing you nothing but good things this year

  17. OMD, what a wonderful day! FIVE?! OMD, gurl,you have come so far, and are so very lucky to have found such a loving and amazing furever home, then again, they are just as lucky....☺
    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY GURL! Always keepin' my paws crossed that those nasty seizures will go away furevers. ♥
    Ruby ♥

  18. Happy Birthday, Shyla!!! You lead the best life any dog could; you are loved, active, strong, and protected. Epilepsy can be scary, but it won't keep you from a full and happy life.

  19. Your luck really started when KB came into your life and helped you to become the wonderful dog you are now. Here are cheers to you both for a terrific dog/human relationship and a very Happy 5th birthday!

    Cheers,'Jo and Stella

  20. We thank the lucky stars too!
    Happy Birthday Shyla!

  21. It looks like you have a (almost) perfect birthday Shyla...we love seeing you so very happy!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo


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