Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Labraduo in the Snow on Sunday

I'm taking a break from desert stories to share a fun snowy day that I had with the Labraduo recently. I'm sure that you're getting tired of hearing it - but I rejoice every time I see R gallop, especially next to his sister!

 They were running so hard that they kicked snow up behind them.

I was snowbiking with them but we took so many play breaks that I barely pedaled at all! We stopped in a meadow just before we made it up to Hug Hill. I love the backdrop of snowy mountains from that meadow.

Then, we stopped at Hug Hill for a little more playing. This was the first day since years ago that R wanted to gallop on the rocky peak. It's very rough footing, with lots of rocks, and he'd moved very cautiously on that peak for the past few years. This day, his elbow must have felt great!

I am continuing his very advanced exercises to help keep his body strong enough to protect his bionic elbow. I can't wait to show you his circus dog exercise routine in a video that I'm in the midst of making. I love doing his exercises with him - it is FUN!
Lots of people ask if he's a puppy when they meet him. Their jaws drop when we say that he's 9 years old! I love seeing how strong and active he still is. We hope that he has a few more years of running ahead of him.


  1. Hari OM
    A joyous post - hoorraah for R, ooh-la-la for Shyla!!! The Love invested shines through. YAM xx

  2. Now that's some real dashing through the snow!

  3. Wow! That looks like so much fun! R and Shyla both look like they're having a blast!

  4. We rejoice right along with you to see R gallop, KB! Look at his happy smile☺

  5. I would never get tired of seeing them run and play!

  6. We never get tired of hearing and seeing how well R is doing since his surgery. He sure does look young, especially since he doesn't have much of a grey muzzle. Is he using that "Just for Dogs" product to hide the grey? Walter would like to know because his muzzle is getting very grey and may want to try that product. LOL!

  7. Isn't it just wonderful that R is doing so very well!!! We know two pups here that would love to see some snow:)

  8. OMD, I LOVES this! And, NO, we never gets tired of hearin' abouts this! are you nutty???! I just have one question.....how do I join in??! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  9. I don't know about anyone else, but I NEVER get tired of seeing joyful dogs romping joyfully.

    Keep up the good work! :D

  10. It is great to see so many pictures of R obviously enjoying himself immensely!

  11. We also love seeing the two of them galloping! Its a happy site!

  12. All the photos are outstanding but we especially love the first one!

  13. I'm so glad to see R... a big hug to you for working with him and a hug to the surgeon... it's great to see such happy labraduo.

  14. That is awesome to see R running and playful
    Lily & Edward

  15. Thank you so much for sharing these. I'm so glad for R (and Shyla, and you!), and I find his recovery endlessly encouraging. (Haven't had a chance to watch the exercise footage yet, but I'm looking forward to it.)


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