Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 7, 2017

A Crystalline Arctic Day

Shyla and I were up and ready early enough to snowshoe to a viewpoint in time for sunrise. The problem was that the thermometer read -10°F, and our nearby neighbors' thermometers were reading -17°F. I decided to do some rehab work with R before heading out, hoping that the world would warm.

It had warmed by a few degrees by the time we headed out. Only the tips of our pine trees were in the sunlight yet.

Almost immediately, we saw our "friends", the mama moose and her calf, who were breakfasting on a leafless bush. It's astounding that they can survive the winters here.

I took a few photos and turned around to take a different route, further from the moose pair. At that instant, mama moose made a beeline to a point ahead of us. Her calf followed, and the pair disappeared into an area of endless aspen groves. Shyla and I could go on our way.

Because it was so cold, Shyla needed her red boots again, and she had "snow face" within minutes of our start.

It stayed very cold for most of our hike. Shyla's snowface persisted but, as long as she is wearing boots and they don't build up ice inside them, she doesn't mind the cold.

I am endlessly astounded by her strength, speed, and exuberance!

As much as I'm enjoying the beauty of this extreme winter snap, I'm ready for some warmer air. I'm hoping that it's warm enough for Shyla and I to be out for sunrise in the morning. I want to see that amazing sunrise light!


  1. Its been sub-zero here for what seems like a long time. A little new snow but the wind blowing most of the fluffy stuff around. I'm ready for spring!

    Cheers, Jo and Stella

  2. What boots does Shyla wear? I have tried so many different ones on Tommy over the years and none of them have ever stayed on!

    1. Shyla wears Ultrapaws. However, in general, I find that the key to them staying on is tightening them more than you could ever imagine that they'd find comfortable. And then, I retighten them after the first 15 min or so. The Ultrapaws do have 2 velcro closures per boot, which I think helps. I also always choose a bright color for them to make them easier to find if they do come off.

      R wears Ruffwear boots and they stay on too. He doesn't mind Ruffwear boots (which are the best-built boot in my opinion). However, a lot of dogs find Ruffwear boots to be very uncomfortable. Both Shyla and our Angel K refused to run while wearing them.

  3. Our mom is DONE with this arctic weather! We're not sure how much longer she will last! Maybe Shyla could talk to her?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. It's not even terribly cold here today - about 10F last I looked - but for some reason I just cannot seem to get warm. Had to go into town for errands this morning, then snow began falling and has been falling ever since - glad to be home and off the road by 2PM. Just wish I could get warm. Everyone is fed and under shelter...maybe I should just go back to bed!

  5. We give both of you a lot of credit for playing outside in those temps as long as you do! Your photos are just beautiful!

  6. The clarity of really cold weather sure is something special!

  7. How you bear to be out in that cold and snow is beyond me! Are you sure you aren't really part Siberian:)?

    1. That's the best compliment that I've received in a long time. Wow, I might be part Husky :)

  8. Golden Shell is beautiful, but we love these dashing through the snow pictures, too!

  9. We have warmed up from our subzero weather but are getting more snow. Amazing that Shyla can enjoy the snow like she does.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. There is cold, and then there is " Really Cold!!!" Love those wee bootees, and bright red or purple, easy to find for sure.

  11. OMD, I don't know how you and Shyla can handle that kind of cold!!

  12. Stunningly beautiful photos!


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