Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Serene Snowy Sunrise

Last week, winter had moments of feeling magical with a big storm of light fluffy snow and then a bluebird day. Shyla and I were out for sunrise on the bluebird day. I'm so glad to have Shyla with whom to share the daily adventures of living in the Colorado mountains.

She snuggled down into pillows of snow and gave me a look that's hard to interpret.

It was still very cold - around 7°F on our sunrise morning. Shyla's limit for needing boots is usually around zero but she still held up a paw every now and then.

And snowface was inevitable after a dive into the snow for a treat.

I sure am glad that we were out reveling in that beautiful day because the weather got bad again soon thereafter.
Today, we were treated to a wonderful "wintry mix" of snow and rain. I don't ever remember it raining in January at our elevation prior to today. Yuck.

Now, I am recovering from steroid injections to try to soothe my carpal tunnel syndrome which has left me with almost constantly tingling/numb/painful hands over the past couple of months. I'm not going to type too much now, in the hope that resting my hands will let the steroids do their job.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Are you and mom related! She not only has the migraines but not dealing with the same symptoms of carpal tunnel!
    Lily & Edward

  2. Love Shyla's snow covered face.

    Aroo to you,

  3. I bet you were both glad for the sunshine. I hope the wrist feels better soon.

  4. Carpal tunnel, Hugh has had surgery yet his has flared up again. Lovely snowy photos, no wonder Shyla has a paw out for a wee warm up. Beautiful, every one.

  5. That happy snow Shyla is so much fun! I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing. Hopefully things are a bit calmer and warmer up your way this week (it was 62 yesterday in Denver and with the wind 95% of the snow melted). Sorry to hear about your problems with carpal tunnel. When I have had hand issues (both carpal and arthritis), I use a formulation with essential oils that totally reduces the pain. Email me if you'd like me to share it with you. This stuff is magic! tailsaroundtheranch at gmail dot com 😇

  7. Shyla is a beautiful subject for your morning walks and pictures. I love how she glowsss
    I hope your hands are better soon. So aggravating to have your activities limited I'm sure.
    Hugs madi and mom

  8. We love that snowface:)

    Hope those steroid shots help - pain in the hands is tough.

  9. Shyla is always s very beautiful in the morning light!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. Rain in January is the pits! We hope your hands feels better soon!

  11. This is some crazy weather. We are sure Shyla was talking about it! Hope the steroids get working!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. Gorgeous portraits of your gorgeous girl :)
    I hope you get relief with the steroids and the rest!

  13. Shyla is a super model. I love all her "faces". Good luck with the steroids and hope they help.

  14. Shyla is the most photogenic dog I have ever seen. Watch you roof when the rain makes the snow heavier

  15. She is so cute! I love her snowy face!

  16. Oh gurl, you look so beautifuls in the snow!!! I wish i gots some snow! Do some snow zoomies for me, k?
    I hopes your hand is feelin' better! Ma says she knows abouts that carpal stuffs too ~ I thinks your Moms and my Ma are trading ailments back and forth! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  17. There is something about the light in your mountains that just matches her eyes!


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