Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Almost Wordless Wednesday - The Moose Gauntlet at Sunrise

When Shyla and I get out early for sunrise, we get to see some special animals.You would think that moose would be easy to spot but that's not always true. I get help from Shyla in spotting them because she freezes in her tracks when they're nearby.

If we safely run the gauntlet of moose, I can capture glowing photos like this one of Shyla at sunrise.
Happy Wednesday!


  1. So wonderful that you got to see a moose. fun that Shyla helps to spot them. It is amazing how we can pass wildlife right by, but it happens.

  2. I hope you had your big telephoto lens for those photos! Very impressive neighbors you have...:-)

  3. Great moose shots. They more focused on eating than anything.

  4. Nothing better than experiencing wildlife right before your eyes. Shyla's coat glistens in the sun. So purrty
    Lily & Edward

  5. We don't think that one was Bullwinkle either!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. What a beautiful moose. I like the one where his eye is looking at you.

    Aroo to you,

  7. Thank you so much for sharing Moose and Shyla photos.
    We would never get to see moose out in nature if it
    wasn't for your sharing with us.
    And what can I say about Shyla...........
    She is the best Happy Crazy Love her.
    Linda and Astro
    ps: we love R too!

  8. That's a wild gauntlet to run, those moose are enormous. But Shyla is a wonderful warning signal!!! And a beautiful one at that!!!

  9. They may be dangerous, but what a treat to be able to see them.

  10. Gosh, what I wouldn't give to see a moose in its natural habitat! You lucky dog (pun intended). Though as big as an RTD bus, it's just not quite the same in big creatures land. 😇

  11. Mom and dad were forever comparing Mitch to a moose. Thank you for the smiles☺

  12. I'm with Shyla. I would definitely freeze in the presence of a moose.

  13. You make me want to get up earlier in the morning! It really is the most beautiful time of the day, especially when you're lucky enough to get to see all that you do.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Ditto to Astro's words. I cannot imagine seeing moose, having snow in your own back yard, and riding a bike with FAT tyres in the snow. And for you to share with us, SOOO many thanks again.

  15. I think I would freeze if I saw that too!

  16. The moose is adorable! What a neat way to start the day!

  17. Oh my gosh! Such beautiful photos!


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