Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Our formerly fearful dog had a fear setback recently. More about that in the future.

The main thing that I noticed in these photos was how her eyes are glued to me. It's up to me to help her navigate this human-dominated world without being pushed past her threshold for fear.

No matter what, I love her.


  1. Ruby occasionally has some set backs and gets frightened, too. I guess that's a normal thing - two steps forward, one step back.

  2. yes... she deserved alllllll the love... :o)

  3. Sorry to hear Shyla had a bad experience. She sure is intense on her recall.

  4. Oh no! Hope Bullwinkle didn't get aggressive
    Lily & Edward

  5. She has a wonderful momma.
    stella rose

  6. I love how she watches you. Sorry about the setback; I'm sure you guys will get through it in good order.

  7. You and your mom will conquer this fear together, Shyla!

  8. So like us humans, nothing is constant. She is so gorgeous with those trusting eyes.

  9. I'm sorry Shyla had a fear regression. It's always a bummer when that happens but she's lucky she has you to help her! <3

  10. You are each other's rock!!! Hope she has bounced back from whatever happened.

  11. Having a puppy mill survivor, I totally empathize with you. Love and patience (LOADS of it) make all the difference in the world. Such sweet amber eyes and clearly she looks to you for comfort and security. 😄

  12. Sorry to hear Shyla had a set back - those eyes are so beautiful
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. Poor Shyla, I hope she bounces back soon. I know she has a patient and loving friend/Mama in you!

  14. It's amazing how the bright snow-lit day effects Shyla's pupils. Just little pinpricks!

  15. With the snow and the moose I wouldn't leave the house. I know you will get her back on track. She is such a beautiful dog


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