Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 30, 2017

Black Dog Days

I had some extra time with our Black Dog this weekend. He, Shyla, and I hit the trails together. It's so fun to see how strong he is after how hard we've worked with him on his strength and coordination.

It's very hard to believe that he's nine years old. People still ask us if he's a puppy because of his over the moon exuberance for life.

The only sign of his growing maturity was how incredibly well behaved he was. Riding a mountain bike with one dog is hard because I must have true off-leash control. There's no faking it when my hands are on the handlebars - voice control is critical! Adding a second dog makes the dynamic really hard for me because the two of them have more confidence to follow their whims than a single dog. Yet, I can't think of a single instant when I was unhappy with their behavior!

R even brought good luck in terms of gorgeous sunsets. Ours have been muted for at least a month or maybe two months. Over the past three days, we've had three glorious sunsets. 
It meant that the Duo and I were out on the trails until darkness fell each night, watching the sky change colors. I loved every minute of it!


  1. In those first few pictures, he sure looks like a pup!

  2. Beautiful photo of them together.

  3. R looks so happy and his coat so shiny
    Lily & Edward

  4. I love his face!

    Aroo to you,

  5. That's awesome! We always have to be on least since we are scent hounds and love to follow our noses.

  6. We are glad R is having fun once again!

  7. R is looking so good! How wonderful that the three of you can spend evenings together enjoying the sunsets.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. What a beautiful sunset but our favorite photo is the one of the two of you together! We are so happy for you, R!

  9. Such a handsome Duo!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Gorgeous sunsets and absolutely stunning Duo!!!

  11. Crikey .... that first photo is great. So good to see R!! What beautiful dogs they both are.

  12. What is it that makes winter sunrises and sunsets so beautiful??! Love the intense look on R's face in your first capture!

  13. The Prince is the apple of my eye, since his "crackerdog" days! I can't say more about him, he is just IT. Now I dote on my black Stella, but she is just pure sweetness, no goofiness to her and I do love a goofy dog! Cheers, Jo, and Straight Stella

  14. Oh, that sunset is just amazin'! We've been havin' some pawsome ones too ~ and sunrises, they have turned everything a beautiful orange/red.
    I'm gonna be nine this year too! Ma says I'm still a pup too...then again, I am a terrierist! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  15. wonderful photos!
    Mr Bailey, hazel & Mabel

  16. Fabulous sunset! With your ability to control your two, maybe I can drive my gang up for refresher courses! 😇

  17. Everything about this sounds perfect.

  18. R looks strong,, wise, soulful,, and can tell he loves his sister and you! So glad you got to see some beautiful sunsets!


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