Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Favorite photos of 2016 - Winter and spring

I have found some favorite photos as I finally made my 2017 calendars. Yes, I know that I'm late. Believe it or not, I discovered a place that gives late-calendar-makers a 50% discount! Maybe I'll be late again next year.

Last winter and spring were very snowy. R managed to get out and play in some of that super deep powder before his surgery in April. I love a snow-covered black dog!

Shyla was like a powerboat motoring through the deep snow.
We are in the midst of a big snow storm so the Duo may be romping in powder tomorrow!

In the late spring, we had the honor of watching the bear cubs play outside their den. They are not in the same den this year. Let's hope that we catch a glimpse of them next spring before they set out on their own.

Also, in the late spring, the flowers went wild, fueled by those huge snows earlier in the springtime. I adore this photo.

R was busy recovering from his elbow surgery at that point. He couldn't even do rehab exercises yet. He spent a lot of time snoozing. This photo when he awakened after I entered the room melts my heart. His eyes hold such love and hope.
I'll continue "my favorite photos of 2016" in the next post. Thanks for reading!


  1. Beautiful photos of both Shyla and R.

    xo Astro

  2. All your photos are fantastic how do you pick a few!
    Lily & Edward

  3. Choosing some special photos is not easy, love the ones for today, they are both real beauties.

  4. We love everyone of these beautiful photos!

  5. That snow-face on R is priceless! What a perfect way to photograph a black lab. R, you are brilliant.
    And I especially love the baby bears. Can you believe I did not see one bear this past year? Not. One. I know they are out there, but I saw nary a track nor a sign. So thank you again for sharing all your wonderful videos and pictures. The video of the baby trying to get back over a little obstacle but being repeatedly pulled back down by her - shall we say, end-heavy weight distribution? - until Mama came and helped, really stayed in my memory. I can't imagine why I relate to that one in particular...

  6. So very beautiful!!! We loved seeing those baby bears again - it was so much fun watching the videos of them last year. R and Shyla are both so gorgeous!!!

    Hope you are feeling better.

  7. What a collection! From the wildflowers to bear cubs to the Duo's faces, you have such great shots.

  8. Crikey ... what beautiful photos. I can't wait to see the rest of them. That last one of R would have to be my favourite though. What a beautiful, beautiful photo. Charlie's Mum, Lynn.

  9. I honestly don't know how you'd ever pick any favorites, all of your photos truly tell a story of that moment and I so enjoy them, and am a big fan of your talent!

  10. That last one of R really tugs at my heart.

  11. The photos of the duo are all so wonderful and the bear cubs are just too cute!

  12. Momma just melted over those eyes as well.

  13. We remember those cubs! Looks like Shyla is really happy in the pic that follows. Great photos!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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