Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Memories of my Mother

I lost my mother almost three decades ago. I wonder what she'd think of my life today. It's different from anything that she could have imagined. She was a city dweller who loved Paris more than anywhere. I had the privilege of a mother-daughter trip to Paris while she was still alive so I saw the world that she loved so much. I have a lot of her in me but I have lost any love of cities.

I started my day at sunrise riding my snow bike with Shyla, sharing the forest with the moose and the mountain lions. I visualize my mother shaking her head in disbelief.

I ended my day hiking on our trails with the Labraduo.

Then, the Duo and I stood in the freezing cold air with a finger-numbing wind out of the west watching the sky light up at sunset. My mother was an avid photographer so she might have understood why I stood there getting colder and colder, waiting for the sunset to reach its most vivid color.
My mother always told me to follow my heart and not to do what everyone expected of me, just because it was expected. I truly learned that lesson from her, and I've followed my heart as I've built a life that I love.

Happy Saturday.


  1. Your mother was clearly a wise and wonderful woman. I live one and a half hours from Paris by train but I to have lost my love for cities, even that one.

  2. Such beautiful advice. Another example of how words can feed the soul and make such a difference in a person's life.

  3. I think your Mother would be thrilled that you have a happy life! We're losing any fondness for cities too.

  4. What a beautiful sunrise, and what a beautiful person your Mother must have been!

  5. It's amazing how mothers and daughters can be so different. And yet there are those things in which we are so similar. Our human g-ma has been gone a long time too.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Wonderful words from your Mum, and to follow your heart, and live each day as you do is for some us a dream we cannot imagine would ever be true. My Mum, she would be so amazed at my machine, as she began her sewing with a treadle machine, the instant communication with emails, Facebook Messenger, seeing photos from abroad, having wonderful friends with their blogs, and not having to write letters and wait ages for the post to arrive. I have a lot of my Mum in myself too, and more so as I grow older.

  7. Your mother was very wise. I think she would be proud of the life you've made, even if she didn't share the same interests. My Mom has been gone almost 20 years now. I got my love of the outdoors, gardening, and enjoying birds from her, and I wish she could see the beautiful place we live now. I know she'd love it.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. Don't really like visiting cities much. Too many tall buildings. They all look alike these days, however, love the OLD sections. It's great to have wonderful memories of parents.

  9. We think that your mom would be so proud of you and the life that you love. What a spectacular sunset!

  10. Your Mom would be very proud of you. I so get it. I'm not a city person at all but my husband is and I love him enough to give him that. I lived in rural areas for 30 years, so I can do a few years in the city, before I retire and we get a weekend place out where its wild.

  11. It is clear that you had a wonderful mother, and what a shame that you lost her so many years ago. But we can see that you learned a lot from her. She must be very proud of the wonderful human you are.

  12. That is wonderful. She would be proud of you and your love of the way you live your life.

  13. Your mum was right. Well done on a life well lived in nature with two adorables.

  14. Wonderful post, KB! I also lost my birth mother when I was just a toddler and wonder now what she might think of me. I wind up believing that they love us greatly and will someday come to us (to take us to the next world). Just as we sometimes ache for them, they also ache for us!

  15. Following our hearts is the only way we can be true to ourselves and others. You've done a good job. Your mother would be proud.

  16. Beautiful post KB, and you do follow your heart.


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