Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Black Dog Sunday

I had the honor of having both halves of the Labraduo on a bike ride with me yesterday. Unfortunately, neither the snow biking nor the photography conditions were ideal.

For the second half of last week, we suddenly had very high winds (gusts up to 95 mph) and extremely warm weather. That means that some places have lost their snow but the majority of our trail system is covered in a thick layer of mushy slush. It's almost impossible to ride a bike on that stuff so the Labraduo and I didn't make it very far during our trail ride.

During our ride, the sun didn't rise above the cloud bank to the east until quite late. Then, it popped in and out, depending on where the scattered clouds were. Sadly, that made photography tough too!

Last, but certainly not least, I almost couldn't write this post at all because I lost access to my photo library for a few hours due to a corrupted file. You probably can imagine my panic.  However, after reading about a million Lightroom advice web pages, I found a solution. (I do have backups of everything but none were solving the issue because a corrupted system file was the culprit). Thank goodness I solved it!

After all of that, I'm glad to have any photos to show you! Here's the Duo this morning in an area that lost all its snow in the past few days. I love seeing them run together! If it were May, I'd be rejoicing that we could see the ground and some green. However, this is so weird in February that I'm not happy about it at all. It's supposed to be winter in February!

R looked magnificent galloping on dry land! There was a time when we thought that we'd never see him run like this again. He looks so good that people keep asking if he's a puppy!

He's so funny - he has no respect for my personal space so he basically barrels me over as I photograph him on a recall. This was a last quick photo before I barely dodged him! What crazy ears he has!
I get such joy out of sharing a bike ride with our Black Dog that the Runner and I have occasionally been "switching dogs" for our forest outings. It's been really fun for all of us. I love spending time with our Black Dog and getting to see the fruits of all the time we've spent rehabbing his elbow!


  1. Your black dog looks happy!

    I really enjoy seeing your dogs, and the stories you share - thank you very much!

    --Jean Marie

  2. Glad you were able to fix the corrupt file. They both look so serious in the first picture, but then you see R's smile. Perhaps they were impatient having to wait to have their pictures taken?????

  3. Good grief, I can't believe all your snow is gone. Crazy. And I would be in total panic mode too if something went weird with my Lightroom. Glad you fixed it.

  4. I'm so glad you were able to get your photos to share with us! "R" does look great and it certainly shows that he that he thinks that too - You're right, all that time spent rehabbing is really being "rewarded!"

  5. It sure is nice to see the healthy R romping about!

  6. Dogs display joie de vivre better than any other creature! The recent 'heat wave' (it was 80 in Denver) is very alarming and I continue to hope this recent spat of warm weather is just an aberration. Hopefully those fabulous moisture-filled Spring snow storms are right on the horizon. Fingers crossed.

  7. I am glad you have your pictures back. I understand your panic. We can see the love for you in R's eyes.

  8. We just love your happy face, R☺

  9. We have been looking at that green grass here all winter with the exception of a day or two when we had a couple of inches of snow. 73 here yesterday!!! Just crazy.

    So glad you solved the photo dilemma. You are so savvy when it comes to computers. We lost all our DVR'd TV shows yesterday when the DVR decided to die. Hubby had a gazillion shows on there too:( Wish we had a fix for that!

  10. We have been having that crazy warm weather too. Now it's flooding!!! Momma just loves R and thinks he looks like a puppy. I tell her it's all in the heart.

  11. And R is enjoying the time with you tooo! His ears are sooo funny!

  12. I'm glad you got your photos back too - they're wonderful!


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