Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Two Transformations

It was so dry here for the past couple of weeks that I was planning my bike ride routes so that I could check that no campers had fires burning in defiance of our area's "no fires, no shooting" wildfire prevention measure.
Look at the dry pine needles under R's paws

Look at the dry meadow

Then, snow - and Shyla took a step toward normalcy at the same time!

A good day - I think that our Shyla is coming back


  1. Waving back at you sweet Shyla.

    xo Astro

  2. great news, the snow and the return of the real Shyla

  3. Hari Om
    G'day Shyla gal!!! Waving back at you from the Bonny Land... with sleet tipping down outside my window. Yup, we too have a clinging winter. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Looking good Shyla. Hopefully you have gone through the worse part. But well worth it if they help.
    Lily & Edward

  5. That is excellent news to hear that Shyla is making her way back from the drug haze.

  6. Two very good pieces on news! Huzzah!!

  7. Yay, Shyla! And wow, the contrast between the meadow and the snow is dramatic. Are those all current pics?

  8. Wahoo!!! Love watching Shyla waving(in the snow)!!

  9. Snow, a great look and then that wave!!! Hoping normality is returning.

  10. Woo HOOOOOO!!!! Waving back at you, Shyla!!!! Welcome back!!!!!

  11. That is fantastic news. We are praying for continued improvement

  12. Come on beautiful Shyla, we are cheering you on!

  13. Yay, that is such great news!!! We're so happy to hear it! ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Thrilled to hear that Shyla is almost back to her old self!

  15. Wonderful! So happy Shyla is feeling like her old self.

  16. Awe! I'm so glad that Shyla is starting to feel better!

  17. WooHoo! So glad to hear the news about Shyla!! Not glad to hear about all the dryness out there. When we were out in Cloudcroft, NM and Ruidoso...we saw all the damage those terrible fires can do!

  18. Love the snow and Shyla waving at the camera again!

  19. There's Shyla waving Hello! I'm back!.......YAY!

  20. Hooray for beautiful Shyla the Waver! So happy to hear things are getting back to normal 4 U! Not a moment 2 soon!

    Hugs, Jo and Stella


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