Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 17, 2017

Feline Friday

We are having outrageous weather for March with almost no snow on the ground and such warmth that I'm able to sit on the deck. I wouldn't be upset about it except for the extreme wildfire risk. We already have an outdoor fire and shooting ban to prevent wildfires. I don't ever remember worrying about wildfires in March before now.

Anyway, while we wait for more snow, I have been busily checking trail cameras that I haven't been able to get to since December. I found some hilarious photos on one.

This kitty was so curious about my camera that his nose was squished against the lens!

Then he backed away a little to give us a beautiful view of his eyes. Do you see how huge his pupils are? That's part of how bobcats see so well at night - by having pupils that can open so widely!
I love our bobcats!


  1. What pawesome photos :) Milo & Jet

  2. Hilarious
    Happy St. Patrick's Day
    Lily & Edward

  3. Very good - those snaps made me laugh, too! :)
    And I know how you feel about not having enough snow - that's why even though this latest New England snowfall has made routine things difficult again, I am grateful to have it. Last year's drought was worrying.
    I hope you get more snow, and I hope mine slowly but surely melts!

  4. Haha!! He is so curious, just like a house cat, having to get so close and sniff.

  5. Oh Dear, that does not sound like fun, already worrying about fires.

    We still have tons of snow. But now we get rain and things are thawing, flooding etc.

    Fun to see your kitty pics.

  6. What fun shots!! That's a special capture. We hope you get that snow soon. We had that warm spell too but winter has come back, so we hope the same happens for you.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. Those photos are priceless! Bet you were stoked finding them!

  8. Smooshed nose - too funny. After the devastating fires in Kansas, we hope they stay far away from you and that the stupid people are more careful with their fires. Hugs to Shyla and have a good weekend.

    Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  9. WOW! He must have been fascinated with your camera! That's awesome!
    We are very warm here, too. And dry. Not a good combo; there have already been wildfire problems in the state. (KS)

  10. Wow, he really wanted to see inside that camera! We are very springish here. It is supposed to be 80 tomorrow!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. I was right ;-), a cute little Bobcat!!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. That is funny - sticking his nose right on the lense!!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel


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