Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 6, 2017

Moose on Monday

During a recent snow storm, my trail camera captured a series of photos of a mother moose and her calf. They passed the camera once early.

And then they passed it again after it had started to snow hard. The calf is in front. Look how snow-covered she is! Both moose were focused on something down in the forest. They stood like statues staring toward something.

After a couple of minutes of staring down into the forest, mom decided to reverse course.

She left her calf still completely enthralled by whatever was down in the forest.

Then, they both disappeared for about a half hour. Mom alone came by the cam a bit after 8AM, with her face covered in snow.

She and her calf must have been foraging in this area just out of view of my trail cam because the mother moose appeared again another half hour later. Now her sloped back and the back of her ears were covered in snow.

She gave my camera a cursory glance.

And did a quick loop around it, giving us our final view before she and her calf must have moved on.
I saw a pair of moose during a snowstorm in late February. I loved their snow covered faces but I didn't manage to get my camera out fast enough to capture an image before they disappeared. I'm so glad that my trail camera got images for us all to see.

Happy Moose Monday!


  1. That is so amazing! You must have your trail cam in THE perfect spot! I am toying with getting one. We live in a "city", but there is a coyote who keeps marking our house - he did this last Spring and it would seem he's back. I'm not sure if he's marking territory or if he's interested in my (spayed) girls! They are never outside without me or my husband, so it's not a big problem, but it's still a bit unnerving. My across the street neighbor saw him on my front porch at like 8 o'clock in the morning one day - she thought he was one of my girls at first. Yikes.

    1. Let me know if I can help in any way with the trail cam decision. It would be very cool to get to see your canine visitor and possibly others!

  2. Incredible! They are such impressive animals.

  3. They look very regal, even the calf!!! And do not worry about falling snow. A great spot for the trailcam.

  4. I like Moose Monday's!

    Aroo to you,

  5. What great capture!! I am so grateful for your trail cameras, I get to see glimpses of so many things I would never get to see. Thanks again for sharing them!!

  6. Wow, even the moose enjoy the snow:) That last shot really gives us a good idea of how big and powerful moose are.

  7. What great pictures of mom moose and her daughter!

  8. I love your trailcam posts :)

  9. OMD! Moooooooses!!!! Very cool! I thinks those are some amazin' shots! Ma was gonna get a trail camera to capture all the critters that come by at night and maybe a daytime tree rat or 87!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Definitely 87 or even more... but, then again, you are on patrol so they may stay away ;)

  10. such amazing animals!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. I think we all owe you a thank you for installing your trail cams. We have seen so much and learned so much about the creatures that are your neighbors!

    Jo and Stella

  12. Trail cameras are the best! What a great show they put on. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. I am so happy to see your young one made it through the winter. They both look happy and healthy for such a rough winter. I have been very concerned for my little moose families as our winter here has been so so very tough.


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