Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sunset Saturday

Gray days are my nemesis. I have trouble getting moving when there's no sunshine in the morning. After I get moving, I tend to be uninspired. Yesterday was one of those days... but then the sun came out in the afternoon. The Duo and I hiked up to a high plateau where the sun bathed our faces.
And then we sat on a rocky point where I love to quietly watch the sunset. We can see across a canyon and all the way to the Continental Divide from that spot.

First I looked to the southwest, where you can barely see the ski slopes below the clouds.

Then I turned my eyes more to the west, to the highest mountains. The mountain in the photo below is one that I like to play on in the summertime. I love how the orange cloud made the snow glow orange too.

It was just breezy enough to block out all other sounds and let us just take in the view.

As all sunsets do, it evolved over the next ten minutes.

The Duo and I sat still enjoying the beautiful ending to the day.
As the clouds over the Divide began to darken, I noticed that the sky behind me was turning brilliant pink. We walked that way to enjoy some more beauty before the day ended.


  1. Your mountains are so beautiful.

    I love fog and rain and moody weather, but sunlight is so precious this time of year.

  2. That magic 10 minutes at sunrise and sunset makes the whole day! Thanks for sharing such beauty with us.

  3. Nothing warms the soul quite like the sun!
    Such beautiful shots!

  4. What a beautiful way to end the day! I feel the same about gray days...I need sunshine for motivation.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. Oh, how amazing!!! We aren't fond of gray days either.

  6. Totally understand that grey day funk. But must admit, the clouds certainly make spectacular sunrises and sunsets.

  7. I wish we could have half the amount of beautiful sunsets that you do. Thanks for sharing.


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