Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Our Eternal Puppy

We are thankful for the everlasting puppy spirit of R. His puppy friend, Sadie, came to visit this week. She's learned how to show off her teeth from R!

Look at these competing teeth!

These two were literally in full play mode before Sadie's human had even departed.

Shyla was more courageous this time, staying out in the living room to keep an eye on the roughhousing. The pair of black dogs didn't disappoint anyone!

Although Sadie weighs as much as R, he still "self handicaps" by lying on his back for most of the playing. I noticed that Sadie has learned to control her bite strength. When she plays with me, she is very gentle with her teeth on my hands. Seeing her with her jaws on R's muzzle, I hoped that she was gentle with him too!
We feel so lucky that our 9-year-old black dog still acts like a puppy. We know how fickle life is... and he's had great luck so far, although he's used up a number of his nine lives!

This post is part of Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. R has always brought a smile to my face! He has such spirit and character, which certainly shines through in these pictures!

  2. Love seeing grown up dogs playing. And love those choppers.

    Some people find the sight of all those teeth scary. I think of bitey face as the dog version of thumb wrestling.

  3. What gorgeous teeth they both have! It's lovely to see R having so much fun.

  4. The joie de vivre on their faces is just priceless. That kind of play can only keep your fella youthful!

  5. BOL oh my dawg!! We thought the grizzlies got inside!
    Happy Dr. Suess Day
    Lily & Edward

  6. It's a shame they don't get along and have fun LOL!

  7. Oh yes! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. I'm 10, and pretty mature most of the time, but I do have my moments where I get on my wild pants and tear it up with my puppy sister Madison. It is fun, but then I'm done. Bailie is only three, so she is puppylike herself! Watching dogs play is Mom's favorite thing to do.

  9. Anyone just seeing those photos--non dog owners, that is--would think they were killing each other! We know that game and love it.

  10. That's awesome! Maggie and I like comparing our teeth, too. It's fun! And playing is such a great way to stay young at heart!!! She helps keep me young.
    Cammie! (I am 9, too!)

  11. Bitey face is a favorite game here too - looks scary but they have so much fun. Misty can't wait to get back to visit her cousin Ruby. They got spayed back to back and so they have had to wait for all the stitches to be healed and gone. Next week playtime returns.

  12. Love your outdoor pictures and love these pictures of your pups playing.

    Molly and my Mom @ The Fast and The Furriest


  13. Wow, that is a whole lot of teeth flying there! LOL It's so much fun to watch a young dog bring out the puppy in an older one.
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets

  14. Those pictures are so funny! Are the play sessions LOUD?

  15. Such great action shots, I can almost hear them tussling!! Fun!!

  16. They look like they are having the best time! Love it!

  17. I hope you stay puppy-like forever, R! Mackie used to put his mouth entirely around my muzzle too.

  18. It's almost a little difficult to tell R and Sadie apart. She sure has grown up.

  19. There are more sharp white teeth here than in your bear videos

  20. wow! that is a whole lotta teeth!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  21. Crikey .... they sure are having fun. My Charlie would love to join in. He loves bitey face games.

  22. What fun they must be having. I'd love to have a kitty pal to wrestle with.


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