Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Coyote Prediction Meter

At the start of this year, I couldn't check any trail cameras for weeks because there was too much snow on the ground. I finally waded through the snow in late January, and this was the first series of photos that I found.

After the past few weeks, I have to wonder if this coyote was making a prediction about our 2017?

No, he couldn't have been. He must have been one of the coyotes who put on a beautiful show in front of a camera on a frosty February morning. What beauty! I like that as a predictor for our 2017.
I have faith that 2017 will get better.


  1. me too... to get a year more worse than 2016 is nearly impawsible... and I think wile e. coyote agrees :o)

  2. He/She picked the perfect place to go! LOL!
    I hope 2017 turns around or at least stays a small pile of you know what!

  3. they are gorgeous. he he he on the predictor ... love it. yours are much bigger than ours here, ours are not much bigger than a fox

  4. They are gorgeous. And yes, I'm going to go with the year has to get better.

  5. Oh my dawg! Caught right on video
    Lily & Edward

  6. Poor guy getting filmed doing his business! Hope you have a disclosure on that camera so he doesn't come to sue you, LOL! They are sure beautiful! We have some around here in the neighborhood, but they are creepy as they follow us around and we don't know what to think of that.

  7. When you gotta go, you gotta go!!! What a group shot, they have a special look together.

  8. Potty Pawty!!! Love that comment, Brian:) We are sure that coyote doesn't have a clue about your future in 2017 - he just HAD to go - LOL. Next time he may want to check for those cameras first.

  9. We laughed at the first photos. You must have, too, when you found those!

  10. Well........... when you gotta go.............☺

  11. That last photo is so gorgeous with the snow in the trees and the family together. That has to be a good sign!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. I do love the coyote group shot. You know one of the early day American Indian tribes called the coyote "the trickster." Perhaps they were having a little planning session, do you spose?

    Hugs from Jo and Stella

  13. Love, love love that last pic! Such exquisite creatures.

  14. That last shot is amazing!


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