Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A Foggy and Frosty Day

This past weekend, a snowstorm was forecasted. It was one of our "fizzles" that turned into a foggy wet day with only a bit of snow. I'll admit that the fog seemed to suit my state of mind.

The forest was barely visible through the thick fog. As I rode, the fog condensed on my clothes and my bike, leaving all surfaces covered in a thin layer of ice.

It was tough to stay warm that day so I chose to climb the steepest hill around here to generate heat. As we climbed out above the dense forest, I noticed needle like frost protruding from all the tree branches.

Then I noticed icicles hanging from a wood surface. Each icicle had its own frost protrusions.

The world got even weirder as we got up to the exposed ridge. Old barbed wire still hangs between trees but it looked very odd. Yes, that is a string of barbed wire!

Here was a closeup of a short section of the wire. I have no idea why the frost forms in that way under certain conditions but it sure looks delicate and intricate. A single tiny gust of wind took down all the spikes.
I wish that I could predict when this kind of frost was going to form so that I could try to get a time lapse video of it forming.

Thank you for all the kind comments yesterday. You helped me to pick myself up and make the best of our situation right now. It could be far worse... and I need to remember that. Her seizures seem to be controlled right now, which is the goal. Now, I need to find patience until the side effects dissipate or we and the vets decide that we need to make a change.


  1. The frost needles are so beautiful -- thank you for sharing them with us.

    Yesterday's post hit so close to home that it took my breath away. Thinking of you and Shyla and wishing all good things.

  2. How mystical and beautiful the forest looks!

  3. The frost is so cool, and wouldn't that be great as a time lapse.

  4. The fog is cool yet creepy. We are a scared of the fog
    Lily & Edward

  5. That's way too brrrrrr for me but the photos are amazing! Hugs to sweet Shyla from all of us...and hugs to you too.

  6. Amazing photos - you have a great knack for capturing nature's beauty.

    Just remember you have lots of us out there who are pulling for you and Shyla.

  7. Your weather gives so many interesting and beautiful photo-ops! Glad you are there to capture it for us!

  8. The beauty in frosty icicles, barbed wire as well as branches and leaves and twigs. Be strong, this too will pass. XXXXX

  9. Not a fan of fog, but it does do fabulous things when it freezes as you captured!

  10. What beautiful frost!! I totally understand the foggy feeling :-)

  11. That is really cool! Mother Nature does some incredible things sometimes. :)
    I'm glad you are feeling a little better and a bit more optimistic now...hoping for the best soon.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. That frost is so gorgeous - as is Shyla! We know it's hard seeing her not like herself. Hang in there. You have lots of people out here praying former -- and for you.

  13. Our weather has cooled into the low 40's for a high. The blooms on our magnolia died from the freeze last night. We need spring! Sending POTP for Shyla!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. What great pictures of all that frost. So many people would just walk or ride by that and never even notice it. Thanks for sharing. Millie & Walter are keeping their paws crossed for Miss Shyla.

  15. WE always love when the frost leaves such beautiful pictures. Paws crossed that Shyla will return to herself soon
    Mr BAiley, Hazel & Mabel

  16. OMD, that is sooooo cool!!!! (okays, pun intended....☺) That looks so amazin' and Ma says she would love to be in it for a while, cause she just isn't ready for the 80 plus degree weather yet! Luckily, we are getting one last big storm this weekend, so it will be cool again before the heat starts. Sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes! and slobbery kisses....slobber fixes everythings!
    Ruby ♥


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